Witcher 3 Big City Players Walkthrough Guide Maps Gwent Big City Players By Max Roberts Jack K Jon Ryan 35 8k more updated Nov 3 2016 The bustling free city of Novigrad has a few extremely proficient Gwent players
Gwent Big City Players Description Region s Novigrad Location s Sigismund s Bathhouse Passiflora Scoia tael Trading Camp Reward s 25 per match Gwent cards Vesemir Esterad Thyssen Morvran Voorhis Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Francesca Findabair The Beautiful Previous Quest Collect Em All Next Quest Collect Em All Additional Information Type 1 Win Vimme Vivaldi s unique card Head to Vivaldi bank and talk to Vimme Vivaldi He uses the Scoia tael deck Once defeated he will hand over the Vesemir card and tell you about the next player in Novigrad you can play with 2 Win a unique card from the Marquise Serenity Go to Passiflora and talk to Marquise Serenity
Witcher 3 Big City Players Walkthrough
Witcher 3 Big City Players Walkthrough
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100 XP Walkthrough for The Witcher 3 Gwent Big City Players For this quest you would need to find four Gwent players across Novigrad namely Vimme Vivaldi Sigi Reuven Marquise Serenity and the Scoia tael Merchant After defeating them you will be rewarded with their unique cards This is a bug but only a minor one You ll be able to continue the quest and play Sigi once you ve gained access to his bathhouse during the main quest Get Junior Sigi Reuven 4 When you beat him you ll receive the card Esterad Thyssen Close Combat 10 and 25 xp He ll also tell you about your final opponent in the quest
The Witcher 3 Gwent Big City Players This Gwent quest triggers either when you read a notice board regarding the proficiency of your old friend Vimme Vivaldi or when you challenge the dwarf to Vesemir Morvran Voorhis Esterad Thyssen Cirilla Ciri and Francesca Findabair Gwent cards are gained from this Witcher 3 quest called Gwent Big City Players The actual name of the
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Witcher 3 Big City Players Walkthrough - This Witcher 3 walkthrough will guide you through all of the main story missions across all the major regions and continents and include all the relevant images you ll need to track down