Wind Waker Walkthrough Part 6 Welcome to my 100 Walkthrough of The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD This will be a Complete Guide to the Game as we collect all Items Equipment Colle
Guffy Lands In The Forsaken Fortress And Loses his sword The Wind Waker HD Walkthrough Welcome to The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Walkthrough for the Nintendo GameCube This guide has been updated and also serves as a Wind Waker HD Walkthrough
Wind Waker Walkthrough Part 6
Wind Waker Walkthrough Part 6
Wind Waker Walkthrough Guide Gameplay Wiki News
The Legend Of Zelda Hidden Secrets You Missed In Wind Waker
Chapter 1 Outset Island Chapter 2 Forsaken Fortress Chapter 3 Windfall Island Chapter 4 Dragon Roost Island Chapter 5 Dragon Roost Cavern Chapter 6 Forest Haven Chapter 7 Forbidden Woods 7 1 Dungeon Map and Compass 7 2 Boomerang 7 3 Big Key 7 4 Boss Battle Kalle Demos Chapter 8 Nayru s Pearl Chapter 9 Tower of the Gods The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Walkthrough Although the overall quest is linear there isn t one right way of getting through the game For every island you have to visit to complete the
Home The Wind Waker HD Walkthrough Part 6 Forest Haven Heading to the Forest Haven Climb on the King of Red Lions and set sail south towards the next pearl Once you get to F5 on the Sea Chart there should be a wooden submarine Go inside the submarine and defeat all of the enemies to make a chest appear containing an empty bottle Set in a huge overworld that takes more than seven minutes to traverse by boat at full wind speed it s not only easy to get lost but it s near impossible to find all the secrets without a
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The Wind Waker follows suit from Ocarina of Time in that its first three Dungeons focus on the elements of Fire Earth and Water They also take place in the same settings a giant tree a searing volcano and um if a huge tower can be counted as a leviathan fish god they all happen in the same places Summary Since the debut of The Legend of Zelda in 1987 all of Link s games have been the stuff of legends universally appealing adventures that emerged as beloved triumphs of gameplay
Characters Valoo Cyclos Items Wind Waker Locations Dragon Roost Island Wind Shrine Songs Wind s Requiem After acquiring the boat sail from Windfall Island Link can get on top of the King of Red Lions and sail east to Dragon Roost Island The island is easily noticeable by the tall mountain in its center 10 63 8 9K views 10 years ago Part 6 of a video walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker for the GameCube Link is catapulted into the Forsaken Fortress where he loses his
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The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker Walkthrough Part 13 Sailing In A Storm YouTube
Wind Waker Walkthrough Part 6 - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Walkthrough Although the overall quest is linear there isn t one right way of getting through the game For every island you have to visit to complete the