When To Do A Deadly Plot Witcher 3

When To Do A Deadly Plot Witcher 3 165 rowsThis is a guide to the quest titled A Deadly Plot from The Witcher 3

One of the quests that plays a crucial role in the resolution is A Deadly Plot This critical quest though technically skippable is the first in a trio followed by An Eye for an Eye Doing A Deadly Plot doesn t commit you to the assassination for certain if you do this mission you still have multiple opportunities to back out of the plot in the later quests that unlock about it

When To Do A Deadly Plot Witcher 3


When To Do A Deadly Plot Witcher 3


The Witcher 3 A Deadly Plot VG247


A Deadly Plot The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide

If the main quest s recommended level is significantly higher than the secondary quest I would go ahead and do it You don t have to do it now but there s no reason not to The game will give you a notification later on about a crucial point in the story Do it before continuing along that point in the main quests

Starting A Deadly Plot There s a lot going on with this quest as it s the last quest in the Radovid questline you can complete before completing the main quest The Isles of Mists and you This quest is available once you complete main quest Get Junior and secondary quest Now or Never Start the quest off by talking with Dijkstra Roche turns up and says he s

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How To Complete The Deadly Plot Quest In The Witcher 3

A Deadly Plot can be obtained after completing Now or Never Dijkstra asks Geralt to help him find someone key to Radovid s assassination Though Geralt avoided politics like In order to start it you must appear in the secret lair of a spy the attic of Passiflora Most likely you have already been to this large brothel and will be able to easily find

After A Deadly Plot has been started the player will receive a quest marker on their map that will guide them to the decadent brothel known as the Passiflora Without further ado here s how to complete the A Deadly Plot quest in The Witcher 3 A Deadly Plot is issued to the player by Dijkstra at the conclusion of Count


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When To Do A Deadly Plot Witcher 3 - To begin A Deadly Plot you must first complete Now or Never 1 Meet Dijkstra at the Passiflora Head to Passiflora and talk to Marquise Serenity and she ll open a hidden passage for you