We Were Here Together Walkthrough Chapter 2

We Were Here Together Walkthrough Chapter 2 We Were Here Together Walkthrough By t and 1 collaborators Complete walkthrough through the game 8 34 2 3 2 2 2 Award Favorite Share Chapter 1 The Valves You wake up in a small house in the middle of nowhere Go out of your room and find your friend Our first mission is to find 5 valves to open all doors around the house

Your primary objective at the start of the We Were Here Together Walkthrough is to locate and interact with five valves which will open the doors scattered around the house Follow these steps to complete the chapter First Valve Leave your room and begin searching for the first valve Second Valve 1 As soon as you exit your room get into the radio room pictured above and grab the valve 2 Out in the main room to the left of the radio room you will find one on the kitchen counters to the left 3 Go to the other side of the room where the wood stove is and grab the third one to the side of the stove itself 4

We Were Here Together Walkthrough Chapter 2


We Were Here Together Walkthrough Chapter 2


Schlechter Machen Karte Geistliche We Were Here Map Puzzle Mama Art Gehe Zur Rennstrecke


Marketing Schmuggel Tragen We Were Here Together Beer Puzzle Pendel Medizinisch Freisetzung

Twitter wad e winzwad e talkz https www youtube channel UC0j4yIJk75YzTTiLjb8NRVAPickle Loaf https www youtube channel UCiSBEPqb6mhS7slhP5GL3KA Second puzzle involves some tricky ups and downs Twitter https twitter OPUnderdogsTwitch https www twitch tv onepointunderdo

First step Player 1 need to put green key in the buscket then Player 2 need to press the lever to exchange keys To turn on light you need follow actions on the gif Then Player 1 need to set spinning pointer to the correct position and open the cage with key open the elevator Player 2 cross the abyss and with Player 1 open hidden room We Were Here Together 100 Achievement WalkthroughWe Were Here Together is a first person cooperative puzzle adventure set in and around a mysterious castl

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Pick it up Valve 2 cross is in the room to the right which is the radio room Valve 3 triangle is back in the main room and to the left of the fireplace Use left and right to select Valve 1 Square and use it on the locked door on the right of the room In the garage head to the door and open it Here s the solution First riddle The owl will say Who are the ones that betray Who led us Rockburians astray which refers to the Court Jester head and the King head These two heads are on the table to the left side of the room

We Were Here Together Bridge Puzzle Misty Valley Bridge You ll know you re at the right place when you come across a large chasm with the unfinished bridge in Misty Valley The way this will work is that one player will have to work their way into a small cellar with the bridge building mechanism while the other will have to tell him what to do 1 Guide View All 11 Popular Steam Guides Written guides references and walkthroughs SOUL STONE Alchemy Hint by Bruce Wizard Some notes that helps to remember reagents and srtucture We Were Here Together Walkthrough by t Complete walkthrough through the game


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We Were Here Together Walkthrough Chapter 2 - Second puzzle involves some tricky ups and downs Twitter https twitter OPUnderdogsTwitch https www twitch tv onepointunderdo