Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Tips Walkthrough Check out our strategy guide for Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Be warned this guide is full of spoilers We have solutions for all 16 puzzles potion recipes and tips that
Chapter 3 Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Strategy Guide Puzzle Guide After many years of happiness and prosperity on the western shores of Isola the villagers had grown in numbers and were starting to feel very crowded They resolved to do something about it The Secret City By JohnB May 28 2008 Currently 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 Rating 4 5 5 549 votes Platform iOS Mac Windows Categories affiliate casual demo download game indie ios ipad iphone lastdayofwork mac mobile rating g realtime simulation strategy tablet virtualvillagers windows Comments 724 Views 223 799
Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Tips Walkthrough
Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Tips Walkthrough
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Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Walkthrough Introduction Virtual Villagers 3 like the first two is a casual game The object is to Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Walkthrough will help you grow your little people in real time as you embark on a journey to re populate the city ruins of Isola Use this in depth Virtual Villagers Walkthrough to help successfully guide your villagers through this entertaining sim game General Info and Tips Awards Island Events
By pineapple May 28 2008 Platform iOS Mac Windows Categories blog casual download guide hints ios mac mobile spoilers tips virtualvillagers walkthrough windows Comments 2563 Views 246 393 We have just finished a massive walkthrough guide for Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Introduction Virtual Villagers The Secret City is the third game in the series of Virtual Villagers If you aren t interested into simulation games this game is defiantly not for you
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Can You Name Villagers
Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Walkthrough StrategyWiki Strategy Guide And Game
Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Help Instructions Remember Virtual Villagers 3 runs in real time even when your computer is off So don t forget to check in from time to time and care for your villagers They need to eat and they can get sick and die If you ever need a break you can pause the clock go into Options Game Speed Pause From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough This page propose a list of all the result you can have by doing these herbs combinations Normal Potions Nature Faction Magic Faction edit Go to top
Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Embark on a new journey with a group of villagers in search of a new part of the island to populate Land on the hidden shores of the northern side of Isola and explore what was once a secret city Find new sources of food to nourish your villagers and help them rebuild the remains of this mysterious city How to complete the puzzles Put vilagers next to the robe in the amplitheater until the robe fits one of them Then you have a leader Build a fire by putting a villager on the pile of wood on the beach line and another villager on the pile of dry grass on the very far left of the map near the water fall Once they have put the items on the
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Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Tips Walkthrough - Virtual Villagers 3 The Secret City Walkthrough will help you grow your little people in real time as you embark on a journey to re populate the city ruins of Isola Use this in depth Virtual Villagers Walkthrough to help successfully guide your villagers through this entertaining sim game General Info and Tips Awards Island Events