Vault 11 Overseer Password The utility room provides access to the atrium via the flooded lower reactor level Conversely a set of Average locked doors can be picked one floor above to circumvent the flooded areas In
Vault 11 Overseer s Terminal Password is a holodisk in Fallout New Vegas It can be found inside Vault 11 in the Atrium In the atrium the Vault 11 Overseer s Terminal Password is found on the upper balcony terminal A holotape Prepared Speech of Gus Olson Ombudsman for the Annual Overseer Election is found on the podium below
Vault 11 Overseer Password
Vault 11 Overseer Password
Presiding Overseer Ohwvcogop,h_1282,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/nsplsh_3777466248325873444e59~mv2_d_6016_4016_s_4_2.jpg
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Look for a holotape on a podium The password will be with that Or look on a computer in the atrium There is no key but the password for activating his terminal is in his speech which can be found in two locations in the lower level Check here http fallout wikia wiki Vault 11 if you need
The first Overseer was designated as the first Sacrifice when the vault residents discovered that the password to the sacrificial chamber was his dead wife s name password assigned by Kill two Mantises and search the podium to obtain the note Prepared Speech of Gus Olson Ombudsman for the Annual Overseer Election which will also net you the note Vault 11
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Katherine Stone s first act as Overseer Overseer Order 745 dissolved the election process and decreed that the position of Overseer would be chosen using the vault s computer Vault 11 terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in Vault 11 Terminal is located on a table just beyond the Vault door Reading it adds the Vault 11 note and the
Access one of the public terminals to get some info on the Vault 11 election process and Overseer Order 745 There is also an entry about election postponement due to murders in The first overseer was the only person inside who knew of the experiment before the vault door closed When he told the dwellers they were so angry that they sacrificed him From then on
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Vault 11 Overseer Password - There is no key but the password for activating his terminal is in his speech which can be found in two locations in the lower level Check here http fallout wikia wiki Vault 11 if you need