Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Chapter 3

Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Chapter 3 Uncharted Golden Abyss walkthrough on crushing difficulty As there is no possibility to start a new game on crushing difficulty I made an additional video with all the Uncharted Golden

Start moving and go towards the wall to the left and jump on then go around then drop where you need to jump across at this time you will learn to use PAINTING EDGES which helps you move Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Part 3 includes Story Campaign Gameplay and covers single player mission Chapter 3 Nothing But Some Old Bones on the Playstation Vita PS Vita

Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Chapter 3


Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Chapter 3


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Chapter 1 You Ain t Seen Nothing Yet Chapter 2 No Prison Tats Chapter 3 Nothing But Some Old Bones Chapter 4 Why s The Building On Fire Chapter 5 I m Not Leaving Without It Chapter 6 I ll Break Your Fingers Chapter 7 He Cut A Deal Chapter 8 Learning The Hard Way Chapter 9 He Gave Them Everything Once you get to the huge cavern with crisscrossing wooden paths a large opening with a long red tongue like carving coming out of it appears on your right You can crawl up onto the tongue

2 1 Steel Fist Expert All Treasure Locations This Guide will show you the locations of all collectibles in the order they appear during the course of the story There is one video per chapter the game has 34 chapters Chapter 15 Collectibles Photo The Sete Cidades Statue of Arius You may not be able to open the door at the start of Chapter 15 but you can snap a Photo just to the right of it Photo The

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Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Part 1 includes Story Campaign Gameplay and covers single player mission Chapter 1 You Ain t Seen Nothing Yet on the Playstation Vita PS Vita For Uncharted Golden Abyss is a 2011 action adventure game developed by Bend Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment as a launch title for the PlayStation Vita A spin off of the Uncharted series the game was released in Japan in 2011 and in other regions in 2012 Golden Abyss is a prequel to the series taking place before the events of Uncharted Drake s Fortune

Copper Locket After boosting Chase up to the upper area a lone enemy appears He comes out from underneath a building you have to pass through here to get to the back of the buildings and Uncharted Golden Abyss Trophy Guide Road Map Show roadmap Road Map Overview Estimated trophy difficulty 5 10 Platinum Difficulty Thread Offline Trophies 56 1 2 5 47 Online Trophies 0 Approximate amount of time to 100 20 30hrs Minimum number of playthroughs needed 2 Replaying chapters Number of missable trophies None


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Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Chapter 3 - Chapters 3 and 4 Chapters 5 and 6 Chapters 7 and 8 Chapters 9 and 10 Chapters 11 12 and 13 Chapters 14 15 and 16 Chapters 17 18 19 and 20 Chapters 21 and 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24