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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Youtube Chapter 5
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Youtube Chapter 5
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Make your way up the rest of the wall then shimmy along the pipes to trigger another short cut scene Climb into the window and make your way across the scaffolding and jump to the ledge on the IGN s Uncharted 3 Walkthrough is where you want to be Pick the chapter where you re at for a full video walkthrough and the locations for each of the chapter s Treasures London
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This page of the guide contains the walkthrough of chapter 5 of Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception The chapter is titled London Underground and in accordance to the title the characters travel through numerous underground tunnels During the initial part of the stage we need to climb and solve simple environmental puzzles alternately On this page of our treasure guide to Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception you can find valuable information about all collectibles available in chapter 5 There are four different treasures waiting to be found and the most difficult one is a silver pocket watch as it must be shot down from a ledge that is inaccessible to Drake Victorian Copper Penny
Watch more Uncharted 3 Walkthrough videos http www howcast videos 497607 Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 11 5 of 5Beat Chapter 11 As Above So Below Chapter 5 The Fortress cont advertisement The next room is a little tough because of the guy in the turret gun If you roll quickly around the room and get sighted in before he reloads it s
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough YouTube
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 2 HD 1080p YouTube
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Youtube Chapter 5 - Text Walkthrough 1 Proceed ahead through a chasm Once you get to the next area walk over to Cutter to trigger a short cutscene Now you will run into a fist fight with Cutter Always start