Uncharted 3 Ps3 Walkthrough Chapter 11

Uncharted 3 Ps3 Walkthrough Chapter 11 IGN s Uncharted 3 Walkthrough is where you want to be Pick the chapter where you re at for a full video walkthrough and the locations for each of the chapter s Treasures London

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Uncharted 3 Ps3 Walkthrough Chapter 11


Uncharted 3 Ps3 Walkthrough Chapter 11


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The West Wing Puzzle When you enter head right and around the stairs and behind a pillar for the Pearl and Emerald Brooch On the left side of the room is a pillar that you can climb and then mokey bar across to a beam As you shimmy across the beam pay attention to the cogs on the back wall noticing which way they turn and which type they are 1 4 Next Walkthrough Prologue Prev FAQ Puzzles in Chapter 6 how to solve On this page of our guide we have provided solutions to all the difficult puzzles in chapter 11 of Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception titled As Above So Below This chapter is one of the most demanding when it comes to puzzles

0 00 14 43 Uncharted 3 Chapter 11 As Above So Below Pt 1 Walkthrough CM Vivid Gamer 6 83K subscribers Subscribe 1 3K 566K views 11 years ago Spoiler Alert This is gameplay video from the The walkthrough suggests how to reach consecutive locations how to deal with enemies how to solve puzzles how to defeat unique opponents and how to kill the final boss of the campaign The second large chapter of our guidebook is completely devoted to treasures secrets

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9 Treasures Silver and Coral Ring 1 9 51 101 This Treasure can be found right at the start of the level as you climb down the ladder into the well DO NO drop below Climb around the Published 11 3 2011 Game Guides Unrated In ch 10 you Sully and Elena discovered a secret entrance beneath a well in Yemen There s only one way to find out what is down there Climb the ladder down then climb the window rails and jump down to the ground This is the entrance to the temple To proceed you have to solve a PUZZLE

For Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception on the PlayStation 3 a GameFAQs Q A question titled Need help with chapter 11 how do I put the body parts togeather WALKTHROUGH WLKTH CHAPTER 1 ANOTHER ROUND WLK01 CHAPTER 2 GREATNESS FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS WLK02 CHAPTER 3 SECOND STORY WORK WLK03 CHAPTER 4 RUN TO GROUND WLK04 CHAPTER


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Uncharted 3 Ps3 Walkthrough Chapter 11 - The West Wing Puzzle When you enter head right and around the stairs and behind a pillar for the Pearl and Emerald Brooch On the left side of the room is a pillar that you can climb and then mokey bar across to a beam As you shimmy across the beam pay attention to the cogs on the back wall noticing which way they turn and which type they are