Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Walkthrough If you re talking about the part where you borrowed Sully s cigar lighter to light up the staff then what you need to do is hold L1 till you can kinda see the guy slicing the king with the
Uncharted 3 Remastered Floating Body Parts Puzzle Solution HQ YouTube 0 00 1 41 Uncharted 3 Remastered Floating Body Parts Puzzle Solution HQ Thunder 777 4 73K subscribers 1 Find tile with moon symbol and stand on it 2 Look towards the pillar Gears Puzzle Answer Chapter 11 As Above So Below Place the cogs in the correct order as shown below Then spin the wheel Mural Puzzle Answer Ch 11 As Above So Below Aka Light and Spear Puzzle Aka Torch Puzzle
Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Walkthrough
Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Walkthrough
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Uncharted 3 Cogs Puzzle YouTube
The puzzle with pillars The puzzle with the gears The puzzle with the shadows of statues The puzzle with pillars This puzzle is solved shortly after opening the well and going down the ladder 1 We enter a spacious room with pillars 1 We need to solve the puzzle to get out of the area 0 00 0 29 Uncharted 3 mural puzzle align body parts chapter 11 As above so Below workingclown 2 07K subscribers 578K views 11 years ago Line up the body parts to solve this
Looking for tips and strategies for getting through Uncharted 3 s epic campaign Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception Walkthrough IGN s Uncharted 3 Walkthrough is where you want to be Uncharted 3 game puzzle body parts limbs puzzle
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Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Kumoffice
Walk toward the main wall until the parts create a body and then hit Triangle to slam it into the floor With the main door open you can now head along the path until you reach an ornate brazier After the scene you ll need to make your way back the way you cam while sweeping the torch to clear walking space for Drake Text Walkthrough 1 Proceed ahead through a chasm Once you get to the next area walk over to Cutter to trigger a short cutscene Now you will run into a fist fight with Cutter Always start
Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 11 As Above So Below By chronodev Ron Published 11 3 2011 Game Guides Unrated In ch 10 you Sully and Elena discovered a secret entrance beneath a well in Yemen There s only one way to find out what is down there Climb the ladder down then climb the window rails and jump down to the ground Video Description http www playstationworld co showthread php 2347 Uncharted 3 Puzzle Guide p 17574 post17574Follow on Twitter https twitter PSWORL
Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Tolimfa
Flucht Erfinden Galopp Uncharted 3 Chapter 11 Body Parts Puzzle Polar Betrug Clip
Uncharted 3 Body Part Puzzle Walkthrough - Here is a complete video walkthrough for Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Treasure Locations 7 Treasures Silver Sassinid Coin advertisement At the start of the level after climbing past the first door