Uncharted 1 Jet Ski Walkthrough

Uncharted 1 Jet Ski Walkthrough Walkthrough To the Tower Prev Walkthrough Out of the Frying Pan On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake s Fortune you can find a detailed description of Chapter 8 The Drowned City These are another ruins to explore where you will encounter more hostile characters They are partially flooded but you can explore them with a jet ski

2 8 Next Walkthrough Sanctuary Prev Walkthrough Trapped On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake s Fortune you will find a detailed walkthrough of Chapter 12 Heading Upriver According to the title the action of this stage takes place on the river and involves the use of the well known jet ski First comes the bridge This is pretty simple Plenty of cover to work your way down and some AK ammo on the way Don t get cocky though because there s a fellow nesting around the next corner

Uncharted 1 Jet Ski Walkthrough


Uncharted 1 Jet Ski Walkthrough


Uncharted Game Sam Drake Jet Ski Resident Evil Bradley Mountain Wallpaper Aaa Beautiful


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Welcome to jet ski part two This time they throw a little more at you but there s a trick to the toughest part Instead of going through these arches bear left This allows you to take them 17 10 Next Walkthrough The Customs House Prev Walkthrough The Drowned City On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake s Fortune you will find a detailed walkthrough of Chapter 9 To the Tower This stage also allows you to use a jet ski and this is combined with the elimination of another wave of enemies

About Press Press Heading Upriver is the twelfth chapter of Drake s Fortune Nate and Elena used another jet ski to make their way upriver to the monastery and find Victor Sullivan while dealing with constant attacks from Eddy Raja s pirates Completing the chapter in less than 5 minutes in Drake s Fortune Remastered will unlock the bronze trophy Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle Once again you will be

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Chapter 07 Out of the Frying Pan Chapter 18 The Bunker Chapter 08 The Drowned City Chapter 19 Unwelcome Guests Chapter 09 To the Tower Chapter 20 Race to the Rescue Chapter 10 The The jet ski is a water vehicle featured in Drake s Fortune They are used by Eddy Raja s pirates to get around the Drowned City and the river connecting it to the Monastery They all have a white and red colored paint job with the word orca printed on the back The first jet ski was used by Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher to reach the customs house in The Drowned City and then the tower in

Uncharted Drake s Fortune Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 This series will include the Full Story of Uncharted Drake s Fortune from beginning to ending Alon See our ethics statement In this Uncharted Drake s Fortune treasure guide we ll help you find every collectible in every chapter of the game which is part of the PS4 s Uncharted The


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Uncharted Drake s Fortune Walkthrough Part 13 JET SKI NO MORE YouTube

Uncharted 1 Jet Ski Walkthrough - 17 10 Next Walkthrough The Customs House Prev Walkthrough The Drowned City On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake s Fortune you will find a detailed walkthrough of Chapter 9 To the Tower This stage also allows you to use a jet ski and this is combined with the elimination of another wave of enemies