Turnabout Ablaze End Part 2 Walkthrough 1 Investigation Theathrum Neutralis 2 Stalling the ambassador 3 Testimony Quercus Alba 4 Rebuttal Ambassador Alba s Alibi 5 Testimony Quercus Alba 6 Rebuttal Alba s Alibi Part 2 7 Testimony Quercus Alba 8 Rebuttal Alba s Alibi Part 3 9 Testimony Quercus Alba 10 Rebuttal Movements in Allebahst Investigation Theathrum Neutralis
Version 1 80 2 20 10 The guide up to the end of Episode IV One more Version 2 00 2 21 10 The guide is complete Version 2 01 2 22 10 Added Cheatcc to the Authorized Websites and fixed a typo Thanks for pointing that out Version 2 02 2 23 10 Was more specific on an area of highlighting Sorry if that didn t make sense to others JOIN THE OFFICIAL ZSLYZER DISCORD SERVERhttps discord gg kgD6SVZ Read description before commenting Be sure to subscribe for more Not so fast Ace Attorney
Turnabout Ablaze End Part 2 Walkthrough
Turnabout Ablaze End Part 2 Walkthrough
Ace Attorney Investigations Episode 34 Turnabout Ablaze End Part 2 YouTube
Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth Turnabout Ablaze End 1 Part 10 14 YouTube
5 00 p m Edgeworth and Faraday watched a Steel Samurai stage show After the show Faraday noted how strange it was for two embassies to be sharing a building Edgeworth told her that the theater was a special neutral zone for the two countries called the Theatrum Neutralis Rebuttal Border Crossing Pt 2 Press statement 2 to get a new piece of testimony If it wasn t a statue that was tied to the arrows then what did the crossbow launch Present the Wire at this statement The wire was tied to the sticks then launched to Babahl s secretariat office so Allebahst s Primidux statue can be ziplined to the other side
SPOILER Looking Back on Turnabout Ablaze Final Thoughts on Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney Investigations Five games down five to go From what I ve seen this case s popularity is down the middle with an equal amount of people that love and hate it JOIN THE OFFICIAL ZSLYZER DISCORD SERVERhttps discord gg kgD6SVZCase 5 Turnabout AblazeExtra territoriality Please watch Apollo Justic
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Case 1 The Lost Turnabout Trial Day One Case 2 Reunion and Turnabout Investigation Day One Trial Day Two Investigation Day Two Trial Day Three Case 3 Turnabout Big Top PORTSMAN S ALIBI Obtain ANOTHER VISITOR logic Combine logic ANOTHER VISITOR FILES IN DISARRAY TESTIMONY Portsman s Alibi Pt 2 Press 4th statement On new 5th statement present NOTE LEFT BY VICTIM Examine bloodstain on videotape s underside There s one final show of evidence afterward at the very end
Maya gets kidnapped Barely starting the case and there s already a plot twist that is presented masterfully getting to see the reactions of everyone affected including Maya herself Maya the one you spent the almost entirety of the game with The lovable assistant who is always there to help you out From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth Turnabout Ablaze Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough We return to the Theatrum Neutralis just in time to witness a humorous cutscene involving Agent Lang
Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth 22 Turnabout Ablaze Middle Part 2 2 2 YouTube
Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth Turnabout Ablaze Part 47 YouTube
Turnabout Ablaze End Part 2 Walkthrough - JOIN THE OFFICIAL ZSLYZER DISCORD SERVERhttps discord gg kgD6SVZCase 5 Turnabout AblazeExtra territoriality Please watch Apollo Justic