Tropico 3 Second Chance Walkthrough

Tropico 3 Second Chance Walkthrough Jan 31 2022 7 47am Guide Index Notes Legend Action Choice Walkthrough Part I Click on the marked spot in main menu until you hear a sound then start a new game Answer the call Deja vu Chuh chuh Thuu thuu

Tropico 3 Second Chance mission scenario Mission Objectives Export 5000 units of Iron by 1970 STAGE 1 Look at the resources on the map Get a sense of what industries to build I personally never build furniture factories Have an idea where everything is so you can come back to them later For now only build the buildings that hire the uneducated mines farms garages teamsters ranches

Tropico 3 Second Chance Walkthrough


Tropico 3 Second Chance Walkthrough


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As the ultimate ruler of the country you ll need to control every aspect of the island how it makes money how the government is run how it treats its citizens and how it handles other nations Guide and Walkthrough Incomplete by lisanne X360 v 0 1 27KB 2009 Want to Write Your Own Guide You can write and submit your own guide for this game using either our full featured online

Absolute Power expansion adds 10 missions The missions place you in charge of different islands each with its own scenario and goals to accomplish The scenarios do not follow a linear storyline but some details may carry over from one mission to another Introduction 2 Achievements PARTIALLY COMPLETE 3 Basic principles for success COMPLETE 4 Swiss Bank Account COMPLETE 5 Edicts COMPLETE 6 Avatar actions NEXT UPDATE 7 Building

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Tropico 3 Walkthrough Share Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough Walkthrough Summary Achievements in Welcome to the Tropico 3 wiki guide Tropico 3 hints and tips straight from the game s developers at Haemimont Games AD This wiki was automatically converted from the Tropico 3 Developer s Guide

Tropico 3 Walkthroughs IGN Tropico 3 Haemimont Games AD Sep 30 2009 8 4 IGN Rating Rate Game 7 3 6 Ratings See Leaderboard Are You Playing Rate Game Overview Playlists Distillery is 22 000 and as you pointed out you also need 3 5 sugar farms to supply said distillery 3 farms x 1500 4500 That s a total of 26 500 just to start Man power The distillery requires the most workers of any industry 12 high school educated workers just to work the distillery


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