Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Crash Site Back to the Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Objectives Use the map you received in the last level to make it across the swamp Find a way to activate the planes weaponry and then make your escape Climb back out the other end to the crash site Keep running around to the right and go into the second tunnel just to the right of the last tree
Walkthrough with all secrets and most 99 of pickups No medipack used Visit http raidingtheglobe for more Tomb Raider Tomb Raider 3 100 walkthrough Crash Site Kills 62 Items 27 Include Swamp Map Commander Bishop s Key Lt Tuckerman s Key Crystals 4 Secrets 3
Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Crash Site
Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Crash Site
Tomb Raider 3 HD Remaster Crash Site Gameplay 100 YouTube
Tomb Raider 3 Crash Site Walkthrough YouTube
Secret list Secret 1 0 46 Secret 2 3 50 Secret 3 9 43Game Tomb Raider III Adventures of Lara CroftPlatform PCYear 1998Developer Core DesignPubli SOUTH PACIFIC Crash Site Secrets 3 Kills 61 Pick ups 30 Crystals 4 Note about the soldiers The soldiers in this level are friendly If you do not harm them they will not bother with you In fact they can help you deal with the raptors Note though that the soldiers carry many items and only if they are dead you can pick them up
Detailed walkthrough for the Tomb Raider 3 video game for Windows PC Macintosh PlayStation PSP and Vita Crash Site Cave with Switches part 1 To reach the cave start by positioning Lara so the passage where you entered this area is on her right and the airplane fuselage is on her left Above and behind is a rectangular stone ledge 08 Coastal Village 09 Crash Site 20 Bonus All Hallows 10 Madabu Gorge 11 Temple Of Puna Tomb Raider The Complete Series Walkthrough and Guides Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough and Game Guide Includes all hidden secrets PC and MAC bugs and comes packed with screenshots
More picture related to Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Crash Site
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Detailed walkthrough for the Tomb Raider 3 video game for Windows PC Macintosh PlayStation PSP and Vita Crash Site Raptor Pool Lt Tuckerman s Key part 4 Dark Room with Switches Pull up through the trapdoor into the The screenshots and videos included here were made using Fraps and the classic Tomb Raider widescreen patch by Mr Detailed walkthrough for the Tomb Raider 3 video game for Windows PC Macintosh PlayStation PSP and Vita Crash Site Raptor Pool Lt Tuckerman s Key part 1 Go through the second doorway on the right wall when facing the stream Follow the passageway to an overgrown area where a soldier battles another raptor There s a raised block
Detailed walkthrough for the Tomb Raider 3 video game for Windows PC Macintosh PlayStation PSP and Vita Crash Site Alternative T Rex Strategy If you want more of a challenge you can go head to head with the T rex or try to outrun it as you throw the switches to open the various gates Tomb Raider 3 video game detailed walkthrough level 9 Crash Site LEVEL 9 CRASH SITE Kills 56 Items 23 plus 2 keys Save power up crystals 4 Secrets 3 The number of kills and items are approximate and vary depending on the actions of your enemies and allies Note that one of the regular pick ups here will be the MP5 SUBMACHINE GUN if
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Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough YouTube
Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough Crash Site - 08 Coastal Village 09 Crash Site 20 Bonus All Hallows 10 Madabu Gorge 11 Temple Of Puna Tomb Raider The Complete Series Walkthrough and Guides Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough and Game Guide Includes all hidden secrets PC and MAC bugs and comes packed with screenshots