Tomb Raider 2 Ps1 Walkthrough Part 1 The Maria Doria 1 Follow the passage to the large water filled chamber Collect the Harpoons from the floor and follow the passage Slide down the slope hang and drop to the collapsible floor
Tibet Level 11 Tibetan Foothills Ride snowmobiles through dangerous and slippery ice caverns Level 12 Barkhang Monastery Break into the Monastery and find the five prayer wheels Level 13 Catacombs of the Talion Make your way through the caverns and find the secret Tibetan Mask Here are the basic walkthrough sections for Tomb Raider based on the original game s release for PlayStation in 1996 The Great Pyramid Atlantis Part 2 The Great Pyramid The End
Tomb Raider 2 Ps1 Walkthrough Part 1
Tomb Raider 2 Ps1 Walkthrough Part 1
Tomb Raider 25th Anniversary Archives PlayStation Universe
Tomb Raider 2 PS1 Longplay All Secrets Old YouTube
In the second installment in the Tomb Raider video game series released in November 1997 archaeologist adventurer Lara Croft goes after the legendary Dagger of Xian an artifact rumored to give whoever possesses it the power of the dragon Naturally Lara isn t the only one after this treasure Tomb Raider 2 Walkthrough Level 1 The Great Wall YouTube Secret list Secret 1 0 52 Secret 2 5 50 Secret 3 8 30Game Tomb Raider II Starring Lara CroftPlatform
Tomb Raider 2 Walkthrough and Game Guide Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards and packed with Screenshots 01 The Great Wall 12 Barkhang Monastery 02 Venice 13 Catacombs of the Talion 03 Bartolli s Hideout 14 Ice Palace No reproduction in full or in part without permission Run and jump from the top of the repositioned box and grab the ladder Climb up to the hallway Kill the guard in the upper hallway and take the Red Pass Card Backtrack to the alarm button
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Tomb Raider PS1 Rewind Retro Gaming
Tomb Raider PS1 Rewind Retro Gaming
Level 1 Great Wall Secrets 3 Kills 23 Pick ups 11 The level opens with a cut scene Lara arrives in China transported by a helicopter The pilot cannot find a place to land near the Great Wall so Lara in typical gun hoe fashion says No problem She tosses a rope and descends landing near a cave entrance Level 2 Venice Secrets 3 Kills 24 Pick ups 23 Small courtyard You begin the level dropping onto a block and sliding to the ground Turn around and draw your weapons Cross the alley and Lara will aim at a Doberman that is lurking in the courtyard beyond Take care of it and be careful of the sniper on the balcony above to the right
Hey guys and gals in today s video I bring you Part 1 of our Tomb Raider 1 Remastered 100 Walkthrough which is Lara s Home Like comment and subscribe Hel You begin the level floating in the deep well below the Cistern Submerge and follow the passage Swim down past the grating to discover a short hallway Pull the lever below to lower the water
Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 2 Let s Play Gameplay tomb Raider Walkthrough YouTube
Tomb Raider 2 PS1 YouTube
Tomb Raider 2 Ps1 Walkthrough Part 1 - Unlimited ammo and all guns Tomb Raider 2 Pull out a flare step forward once step backwards once turn around 3 times counter clockwise jump backwards Unlimited ammo and all guns Tomb Raider 3