Tomb Raider 1 Walkthrough City Of Vilcabamba Approach the doorway on the right side of the pool There s a bear lurking inside this small barn or stable Enter with pistols drawn As soon as Lara gets a lock on the bear backflip out of the room shooting
Tomb Raider I PC Walkthrough Speedrun Secrets City of Vilcabamba Die Stadt VilcabambaCopyright by Eidos Core DesignTomb Raider and TM 1996 Core De Tomb Raider 1 remastered level 2 The City of Vilcabama All Remastered Cutscenes https youtu be BwG5jR6t2HEA while back it was announced that the ORIGINAL
Tomb Raider 1 Walkthrough City Of Vilcabamba
Tomb Raider 1 Walkthrough City Of Vilcabamba
City Of Vilcabamba Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Tomb Of Ash
City Of Vilcabamba Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition Tomb Of Ash
This is a walkthrough for the level City of Vilcabamba from Tomb Raider I Remastered This walkthrough features the full game and demonstrates how to collect City of Vilcabamba Secret 1 Stand at the edge of the water facing the stable with the two doorways and the wooden trough Jump into the water and swim forward and down along the tunnel At the bottom where it comes to a T swim to the right Follow the tunnel as it slopes upward
Take out the two bat which fly down from the roof In a dark corner is a large medi pack Climb up onto the ledge kill the bat and drop down Underwater Tunnels Having secured both keys it s time to find some secrets Go back to the center of this area and dive into the water City of Vilcabamba This compact level begins with a major wolf ambush Get those guns out and realize you don t have much room to maneuver in the short hall
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Level 2 City of Vilcabamba Secrets 3 Kills 29 Pick ups 13 PS Save Crysrals 2 As soon as the level begins the stone doors ahead open Draw weapons and enter the room beyond Four wolves will attack the first will come from the far left the other two from behind and the last one from the far right You may have troubles with them as Level 1 Caves 3 secrets and 7 save crystals OK after the starting movie clip you find yourself just inside a pair of huge stone doors In front of you there are some paw prints in the snow Follow these A little way ahead there are walls on either side with vertical slits all the way along
City of Vilcabamba Secret 3 Head for the stairs in the room to the left of the gate At the top of the stairs is a switch that stops the swinging blades You can ignore it since you won t be going back that way Opposite the switch and a little to the left is a doorway Enter and drop down twice to find SECRET 3 Walkthrough text and 2 1 Outfit 2 2 Weapons Found 2 3 Items 2 4 Allies Encountered 2 5 Enemies Encountered 2 6 Locales Visited 2 7 Secrets 2 8 Bugs Walkthrough See City of Vilcabamba Walkthrough Details Outfit Classic Weapons Found None Items Silver Key Gold Idol Allies Encountered None Enemies Encountered Wolf 11 Bear 2 Bat 15 Locales Visited
Tomb Raider PS1 100 Walkthrough Level 2 City Of Vilcabamba YouTube
Tomb Raider 1 Walkthrough City Of Vilcabamba Level 2 YouTube
Tomb Raider 1 Walkthrough City Of Vilcabamba - City of Vilcabamba This compact level begins with a major wolf ambush Get those guns out and realize you don t have much room to maneuver in the short hall