The Witcher 3 Sunstone Walkthrough Path 1 An Craite Rules Skellige Path 2 Svanrige Rules Skellige Merging Path Choices Objective 1 Choice Eyvind the Bard Enlarge When speaking to the Eyvind the Bard you will have to convince him to tell you the location of the Sunstone without arousing suspicion
Witcher Wiki 12 075 pages Explore Witcher Series Gameplay World Community in The Witcher 3 main quests English The Sunstone Sign in to edit The Sunstone Description Region s Ard Skellig Location s Kaer Trolde Kaer Muire dependent Arinbjorn optional Cave under Eldberg optional Ancient Crypt Suggested Level 28 Reward s 500 Previous Quest Updated January 21 2023 This guide will show you how to solve the mirrors puzzle from the late main quest called The Sunstone in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The Sunstone is a level 28 main quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt You cannot skip or avoid it You get it as a sub quest to the main quest Battle Preparations also recommended for level 28
The Witcher 3 Sunstone Walkthrough
The Witcher 3 Sunstone Walkthrough
The Sunstone The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide
The Sunstone The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide
This walkthrough guide will follow the order that makes the most narrative sense which is The Sunstone Veni Vidi Vigo and Child of the Elder Blood Do note though this quest The Witcher 3 The Sunstone Main Quest Walkthrough By Nicolas Ng Published May 11 2023 Here s how to get your hands on a legendary elven artifact This article is part of a directory The Witcher 3 Complete Guide And Walkthrough Table of contents Quick Links Finding Ermion Investigating The Leads Returning To The Sorceresses
1 If Skellige is ruled by Cerys or Hjalmar This path will be active if you ve completed the King s Gambit quest and Cerys or Hjalmar became King of Skellige 1 1 Ask Crach where Ermion is You ll find Crach in the port where he ll be observing the Nilfgaardian fleet through a telescope He ll tell you that Ermion went to see Madman Lugos The Witcher 3 Walkthrough for The Sunstone This quest can take 2 different paths The first path is if Cerys or Hjalmar are rulers of Skellige If Svanrige Bran is ruler of Skellige path 2 happens Path 1 Head to the lookout at Kaer Trolde Harbor to where your ship is Crach will be here ask him where Ermion is
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The Sunstone The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide
How To Solve The Mirror Puzzle At The End Of The Sunstone In The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The Sunstone Walkthrough Part 100 PC GTX 980 1080P Ultra 60fps
Walkthrough to the Sunstone quest in Witcher 3 Wild Hunt where you need to retrieve the sunstone in Skellige with the help of Philippa Eilhart more more The Witcher 3 The Sunstone Walkthrough YouTube Join us on a journey through The Sunstone quest in The Witcher 3 This video will guide you through the entire quest and provide
Walkthrough For this quest you ll need to find the Sunstone which was long ago hidden somewhere in the Skellige Isles To learn more about the stone you ll need to talk to archdruid Ermion but to find Ermion you ll need to talk to Crach at the Kaer Trolde docks 1 The Sunstone is a main quest in the Witcher 3 storyline It s part of the Battle Preparations quest leading up to the EPIC FINALE Playlists Witcher 3 GU
The Sunstone The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide
The Sunstone The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide
The Witcher 3 Sunstone Walkthrough - Walkthrough By Max Roberts Jack K Jon Ryan 35 8k more updated Dec 11 2022 The Witcher 3 complete strategy guide and walkthrough has guides for every step of the story including tips