The Room Ipad Game Walkthrough The Room Complete Walkthrough cody RaineR 3 64K subscribers Subscribed 11K 2 6M views 10 years ago this contains a complete walkthrough of the room chapters 1 4 and the epilogue hope you
The room 4 is so perfect Firstly I was shocked that the walkthrough is not finished because I really needed that I think in the 3rd part with those doors it was so confusing but the hints here are just great and also the game is much more better arranged that you can play it easily Chapter 2 Section 3 The Room A mechanism will trigger and expel some kind of a clock 15 Drawer Go to the left side of the clock There is a control panel Turn the switch to change the gear location Then turn the handle A locked drawer will reveal The drawer is locked by four metal circles at each corner
The Room Ipad Game Walkthrough
The Room Ipad Game Walkthrough
The Room Walkthrough Chapter 2 D Game Solver
The Room Walkthrough Chapter Epilogue C Game Solver
Have you ever wanted to solve a puzzle box A puzzle box so complex so intricate so fascinating with so many different puzzles and compartments that it seems to have more spatial room inside Looks like it s going to open doesn t it Slide that panel above to the left to reveal another keyhole Rotate the key end to fit again and unlock as before The doors will slide open to show a series of gold rings Zoom into these and tap the viewing instrument now with a snazzy new lens to spot the invisible ink pattern
Nerdr Rotate the lid of the tub to align the keyhole as it says and drag the key into the keyhole Rotate the key and open the lid Inside the tub you will find the curious eyepiece and a letter Feed me and I shall survive Give me drink and I shall die Answer and solution is on the next line The Room is a challenging escape game by Fireproof Games for iPhone and iPad devices The Room includes four chapters where you must find clues and solve puzzles in order to reach the next level It is a real brain teaser with excellently realistic 3D graphics that will keep you hooked until you beat the app
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The Room IPad App AppWereld
The Room iPad App Ipad Apps App Ipad
The Room IPad App AppWereld
The Room is a puzzle video game developed by Fireproof Games The game was originally developed for the iOS platform and released in September 2012 The Andr Welcome to our complete walkthrough to The Room s epilogue update This is by far the most tricky set of The Room related puzzles we ve come across yet It s a non stop barrage of head scratchers involving musical notes 3D cubes gems and mazes If you ve got stuck you ve come to the right place
Home The Room Epilogue Walkthrough iPad iPhone and Android 5 Comments The Room Epilogue walkthrough and solution for iphone ipad and Android This guide covers cheats hints and tips for finishing the Epilogue level of the Room game The ROOM is available on STEAM https bit ly 2LSa8Ze and mobile devices It s a top selling puzzle game with touch based controls This video walkthrough
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The Room Ipad Game Walkthrough - The Room The Room Walkthrough Chapter 4 by App Walkthroughs December 19 2012 Zoom in on the wire panel on the top of the octagonal box Tilt your device left and right so that both stars light up Take the crank Swipe to the rectangle panel on the left Zoom and tap on the rectangle panel Drag the crank on the rectangle panel