The Nithing Witcher 3 Walkthrough Guide The Nithing By Max Roberts Jack K Jon Ryan 35 8k more updated Nov 3 2016 Is a side quest in Skellige that can be picked up from the Rannvaig notice board advertisement After
25 60 Spare Jonna 75 Additional Information Type Secondary quest Map s The Nithing is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Nithing I m asking for help from any who can give it Someone has cast a cruel and treacherous curse on my line for which I cannot find a remedy Guides The Witcher 3 The Nithing Side Quest Walkthrough By Ben Jessey Updated Jan 16 2023 Here s everything you need to know about completing The Nithing quest in The Witcher 3 Quick Links Speak To Lothar Discover Who Cursed Lothar s Family The Final Decision
The Nithing Witcher 3 Walkthrough
The Nithing Witcher 3 Walkthrough
The Nithing Witcher 3 Quest Guide Prima Games
Witcher 3 The Nithing Both Choices YouTube
215 52K views 8 years ago A video guide showing how to complete the quest The Nithing on The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt more more The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt 2015 Browse game Gaming The Nithing is a blink and you ll miss it secondary quest available to players in the Skellige Isles region With a recommended level of 14 the quest can be accepted either at the town Rannvaig s notice board or by speaking directly with Lothar at his hut just Southeast of the town
Investigate the Nithing Just off the beach in Rannvaig there is a Notice Board with a message titled Nithing A man called Lothar is beset by a curse head over to his house and ask about it It appears that someone has stolen a horse s head that has the name of his first born Tjalve inscribed on it giving the poor boy a fever Geralt will reveal two ways to deal with it Either get the caster to remove the curse or Geralt can reverse the curse and send it back to the caster Examine the Nithing using your Witcher senses and then follow the tracks to a Skellige Shawl Geralt picks up a scent so follow it back to Rannviag
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Take the shawl to the harbor during the day and speak to the indicated Skelliger lady Head to the herbalist Jonna s house and question her Take the knowledge from Jonna back to Lothar Now you have to make a choice as part of The Nithing Witcher 3 quest The Witcher 3 Wiki Guide Full Walkthrough Quest Outcomes weapons armor signs creatures maps The Nithing is a Quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt This quest is received from the Notice Board in Rannvaig Journal entry goes here The Nithing Objectives Talk to Lothar Investigate the Nithing
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt The Nithing Walkthrough 4K E92 Nameless Gaming 391 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Share No views 1 Talk to Lothar You will find Lothar near his house where he prays for his son s health He will tell you about the curse that an unknown person has cast on his son There are two ways to lift this curse It must be done willingly by the person who cast it or the curse can be redirected to that person but you need to know her or his name first
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The Nithing Witcher 3 Walkthrough - If you agree to kill Jonna then all you ll have to do is carve her name into the nithing which in turn will require you to turn on your witcher senses and examine it Then when you return to Lothar you ll earn 60 crowns and 25 xp If you return to Rannvaig you won t find Jonna there 1 Rannvaig 2 Lothar s House 3 Shawl