Swtor Hk 51 Parts Walkthrough Guide Assertion Repairs Required 2st Component HK Chasis Tatooine and The Sinking City Endar Spire Support the Creators Don t Block Ads Play SW
I took the time this week to create a video guide for obtaining HK 51 This video also contains the story elements as seen on the Empire side so be warned There Zen brings you a full walk through and quest guide for obtaining HK 51 the new droid companion added in patch 1 5 This video contains story spoilers as it
Swtor Hk 51 Parts Walkthrough
Swtor Hk 51 Parts Walkthrough
SWTOR Guide To HK 51
SWTOR HK 51 Acquisition Cinematic YouTube
High quality screenshots and how to get the HK 51 in SWTOR by Swtorista Click here to view Retrieve HK 51 Parts Collect HK 51 parts scattered across various planets including Hoth Taris and Dromund Kaas You will also need to collect parts from within the Maelstrom Prison Republic or The
Part of that quest is to search a large area of land on 4 different planets hoping to find HK droid parts If you miss the initial rush and are doing this with only a Play SWTOR for Free http www swtor r BlQhmZ swtor Lethal Legacy All My Videos Guide Assertion Repairs Required 5th Component HK Power Core
More picture related to Swtor Hk 51 Parts Walkthrough
SWTOR HK 51 Guide
SWTOR HK 51 Companion Walkthrough Part 1 YouTube
MISSION D HK 51 PARTIE 3 2 Ressurection Swtor
For a detailed walkthrough of how to obtain HK 51 click here HK 51 is a ruthless assassin droid from the HK family of droids he will willing fight by your side if I swear the hk parts and dread seeds move around underground or despawns while you re in the progress of scanning for them you can be within 15m
Once you get all the way around move in towards the center of the Temple by a search radius and start going around again at this distance from the outer wall At The location of the parts is not totally random there s usually 4 7 spots that could have the bit Watching videos is easier and MUCH faster then combing large areas I have
SWTOR How To Get HK 51 s Parts YouTube
SWTOR Hk 51 Cinematic YouTube
Swtor Hk 51 Parts Walkthrough - Part of that quest is to search a large area of land on 4 different planets hoping to find HK droid parts If you miss the initial rush and are doing this with only a