Swgoh Nightsister Solo Phase 1 Walkthrough

Swgoh Nightsister Solo Phase 1 Walkthrough Strong Nightsisters can consistently solo phase 2 3 4 of the heroic Tank Takedown Raid with the Deathstorm strategy The general plan is letting any two Nightsister die except Asajj and Old Daka Then use their basic attacks only which will revive a dead ally call it to assist then instantly defeat it

Mother Talzin Lead Synergy Nightsister Nightsister allies have 50 Potency and 30 Speed When a Nightsister ally uses a Special ability they inflict Plague on the selected target for 3 turns which can t be Evaded When an enemy Resists a detrimental effect Nightsister allies gain 5 Turn Meter Phase 4 Nihilus Note outdated guides mention undergeared zombie Comp Assaj lead Talzin Daka Talia Zombie SOLO PHASE 4 NIHILUS WITH G12 ZOMBIE REWORKED NIGHTSISTERS GUIDE Tank Raid Phase 3 4 in ABC squad Comp Ackbar BB8 CLS Assaj Thrawn Phase 4 Comp talzin l asajj daka initiate and zombie Strengths

Swgoh Nightsister Solo Phase 1 Walkthrough


Swgoh Nightsister Solo Phase 1 Walkthrough


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Phase 4 Nihilus Nightsisters Nightsisters can be utilized for both Nihius and Sion but the focus is on Nihilus zzVentress Daka Acolyte Talia and NS Zombie NS Initiate Talzin or NS Spirit can be added in place of either Talia or NS Zombie Zetas Ventress requires both zetas for this team to be effective Phase 1 Opening Stasis Strike Sith Assassin Master s Training SLKR on other add then begin normal rotation Main thing in this phase is to hold HYoda s Strength Flows From The Force until after annihilate to heal whoever took it Obviously it s nice to have shield up I messed up in the video but luckily it was Hux and he dies anyways in P2

Https discord gg cDNB7hJ Come and join my server Nightsister Modding Guide https youtu be ASxyoHwEEyQBeen Struggling with Geo TB Want to learn what t 1 1 Phase 1 1 2 Phase 2 1 3 Phase 3 1 4 Phase 4 2 Successful teams and strategies 2 1 Full Solo Teams 2 2 Phase 1 Teams 2 3 Phase 2 Teams 2 4 Phase 3 Teams 2 5 Phase 4 Teams 3 Tools and Resources 4 Notes Heroic Sith Triumvirate HSTR is the third Heroic raid for most guilds to defeat

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Our Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide has ben completely overhauled to align with the strategies that work in today s SWGoH GameChanger Skelturix was brought in to help out since we all get smarter when we watch his videos but knowing the fans well his videos are included in the guide but 100 optional swgoh sithraid nightsistersNightsister Zombie has been reworked and she s now amazing at high gear level Learn how to solo Nihilus with a maxed NS team I

Explore the dark side of the Force with the Nightsister characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Learn their abilities stats synergies and best squads to use them in Whether you want to unleash the power of Mother Talzin Asajj Ventress or Old Daka you can find all the information you need on SWGOH GG Phase 1 solo Phase 2 40 Total 69mil damageSee my other Sith Raid videos https swgoh4 life sith raid Support me on Patreon https www patreon


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Swgoh Nightsister Solo Phase 1 Walkthrough - Phase 1 Opening Stasis Strike Sith Assassin Master s Training SLKR on other add then begin normal rotation Main thing in this phase is to hold HYoda s Strength Flows From The Force until after annihilate to heal whoever took it Obviously it s nice to have shield up I messed up in the video but luckily it was Hux and he dies anyways in P2