Suikoden 3 Walkthrough 108 Stars

Suikoden 3 Walkthrough 108 Stars Recruitment Guide This is a complete list of all of the Stars of Destiny recruitable characters in Suikoden III It details where they re found and how to get them Highlighted characters are optional and will not join you automatically This guide is not formatted like a recruitment walkthrough characters are presented in the order that

Walkthrough goes to the actual Walkthrough 5 108 Stars goes to the Recruit List 6 My Really goes to the mini list of Items 7 Duels goes to the Duels section 9 All about recruiting A major gameplay story device for Suikoden III is the 108 Stars of Destiny These are the main figures of the story who determine the ultimate Non stars V Credits This is my first walkthrough so I hope you don t mind if there is any mistake made Firstly in Suikoden 3 you need to know that there is the trinity system and thus it is different from the previous Suikodens There will be no more Castle Level but through Chapters you will get to recruit the 108 Stars

Suikoden 3 Walkthrough 108 Stars


Suikoden 3 Walkthrough 108 Stars


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Genso Suikoden III Guide Version 1 00 COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH at long last General Miscellaneous Gameplay Junk 3 Walkthrough Complete for locations of 108 Stars through to end of the game Chris Chapter 1 Geddoe Chapter 1 Hugo Chapter 1 Thomas Chapter 1 Chris Chapter 2 Hugo Chapter 2 Thomas Chapter 2 Fin Geddoe Iku look how to recruit Duke 22 or Franz 31 39 Jacques Joins automatically 40 Jeane Simply talk to her in Brass Castle rune shop 41 Jefferson Get 70 stars and he will show up

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Walkthrough Initially there are three points on the Trinity Site that you can access Hugo Chris and Geddoe the three main characters Thomas Chapters is opened once any of the three main characters visit Budehuc Castle Koroku s Chapter details in Lake Castle Services is opened when you talk to him after he joins the 108 stars and the sixth point of view is the bonus chapter Summary One of the most intense RPG games returns as SUIKODEN 3 Fifteen years after SUIKODEN 2 follow the intertwining stories of Hugo the son of a village chief Chris the virtuous Knight of

In Suikoden the 108 Stars of Destiny refers to the protagonist and the other 107 characters who will aid him usually at his headquarters in his epic struggle with fate In each main Suikoden game excluding the Genso Suikogaiden games and Suikoden Tactics there are 108 recruitable characters While recruiting all of the Stars of Destiny is not a requirement to finishing the game This walkthrough for Suikoden 3 Playstation 2 has been posted at 22 Jan 2010 by kamaran rasool and is called 108 Stars List Recruitment If walkthrough is usable don t forgot thumbs up kamaran rasool and share this with your freinds And most important we have 8 other walkthroughs for Suikoden 3 read them all


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Suikoden 3 Walkthrough 108 Stars - Suikoden III Stars of Destiny Walkthrough Gameplay Guides Secrets Memorable Scenes In Depth Analyses Game Saves Suikoden IV 108 Stars of Destiny History Timeline Geography Legacies True Runes Weapons Runes Runes List else If you wish to use the images place them in your own webspace We do not allow you to use them from our server