Stray I Am Speed Guide

Stray I Am Speed Guide Here s our Stray Speedrun Guide on how to beat Stray in under 2 hours for the I am Speed trophy easily and some additional tips tricks

Stray How to Get the Pacifist Trophy The I am Speed trophy encourages players to complete the game in two hours or less For those who know what they re doing this shouldn t be too After I did my first run of the gane picking up all collectibles and whatnot I just started again and sped through everything and I finished with 8 mins to spare Honestly this trophy really isn t

Stray I Am Speed Guide


Stray I Am Speed Guide


Stray I Am Speed Achievement YouTube


Stray I Am Speed Achievement Trophy Guide Stray Speedrun YouTube

Stray how to unlock the I am Speed achievement The achievement I am Speed comes with only one requirement You will unlock it if you manage to complete Stray in two hours or less I ve noticed a lot of people posting in the last couple of days with screenshots of them missing the I Am Speed achievement by a matter of seconds I managed it with half an hour to spare so I

Speed run the area avoiding Zurks and getting the little puzzles as fast as possible Remember to avoid and use the girders to bait the first lot and then use the keypad fences to trap Zurks and It is advised to start the speedrun in a separate save slot so you can keep track of the exact time of your current playthrough inside the game s main menu Here you have a full

More picture related to Stray I Am Speed Guide


Stray I Am Speed YouTube




Stray I Am Speed Speedrun Checklist

In this Stray walkthrough we ll be doing a speedrun of the game to get the I Am Speed Trophy for completing the game in under two hours 00 00 Intro Inside The Wall Chapter 1 02 57 How to unlock the I am Speed trophy in Stray Complete the game in less than 2 hours This is a gold trophy

SPOILER WARNING In this Stray walkthrough we ll be doing a speedrun of the game to get the I Am Speed Trophy for completing the game in under two hours 0 Using a fresh file allows you to know how much time you have already spent so it would be preferable anyway 2 weeks later Here s a video showing a path for the I Am


I Am Speed YouTube


Stray How To I Am Speed Achievement Fast And Easily SteamAH

Stray I Am Speed Guide - Speed run the area avoiding Zurks and getting the little puzzles as fast as possible Remember to avoid and use the girders to bait the first lot and then use the keypad fences to trap Zurks and