Spyro 3 Hidden Levels Sunrise Spring Sheila s Alp Unlocked when you pay Moneybags 300 gems Sunny Villa Cloud Spires Molten Crater Unlocked when you have at least 10 dragon eggs Seashell Shore
2 When playing as Shiela the Kangaroo double jump any time it s safe to do so On her levels there are LOTS of things hidden above ground level You unlock each of One of the better hidden levels in the game Bluto s Nuclear Shark Submarine is located in a subworld of Seashell Shore which is accessed by swimming upwards in one of the
Spyro 3 Hidden Levels
Spyro 3 Hidden Levels
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Take the Whirlwind back up outside and go over the bridge on the left grabbing a red purple and two greens as you cross to the Harbor Speedway portal Grab a red purple and three golds You should have 9 levels per page The hubworld 4 regular levels 1 other character level 1 speedway bossight and sparx level as well as the SBW at the end
Hidden in the alcove Noodles Go to where there is a lot of lava with a bridge in the middle On the left of the lava there are three platforms Jump across them to get to the egg Midnight Mountain is the final set of levels in the game By this point the gloves are off and the game will throw everything it has at you To get here you need to complete the
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The hidden egg is so well hidden that even with guides I had trouble finding it and the gems there However the worst one of all by far is that single yellow gem high up on that roof near the end portal SPYRO 3 YEAR OF THE DRAGON WALKTHROUGH Eggs Secret Levels Hints Tips and Cheats
Spyro returns once again this time to the Dragon Realms where the Sorceress has stolen all of the Dragon Eggs Your aim is to retrieve these Eggs which are your main collectables this Want hints tips and techniques delivered to you personally Complete detailed walkthrough of Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon from Lisa Guide to Computer and Console Gaming This
Spyro Levels Alfamasa
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Spyro 3 Hidden Levels - Zoe the fairy should show up just in front of the sign where she can send Sparx to the first of his levels Once you complete the first Sparx level the next one will become