Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Afterlight Welcome to the spotlight room escape afterlight walkthrough guide This page has the video solution you have been looking for to finally pass level 5 We promise that after viewing the video below you will pass the afterlight Spotlight Room Escape Afterlight We definately recommend the following video walkthrough by Blue Frog
Spotlight Room Escape Afterlight Part 5 FULL Walkthrough Gamethrough Subscribe at my Channel for more Gameplays and walkthroughs SPOTLIGHT Room Escape Chapter 1 Level 5 Afterlight Complete Walkthrough
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Afterlight
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Afterlight
Spotlight X Room Escape Level 4 Walkthrough YouTube
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Walkthroughs
Spotlight Room Escape Afterlight Part 5 Walkthrough Playthrough Answers Tap the key next to the door 5 Take the key on the wall 6 Tap the toolbox 7 Take the Hacksaw 8 Tap the blade box enter code 3141 value 9 Tap box to open 10 Take the hacksaw blade Go to steal bar door 15 Tap the gaz can and tap the generator to fill Go to Door 2 Switch panel 17 Tap the key and tap the door to unlock
Spotlight Room Escape Afterlight stairs Answers 1 Tap the tube 2 Tap the key on the barrel 3 Tap the paper The number pi 3 1415 4 Tap 4 to go to generator room 11 Tap the hose in your inventory and tap the red fuel tank diesel 12 Tap the gaz can in your inventory and tap the floor to move the gaz can on the floor Answers 19 Tap the pillow take the floppy disc 20 Tap the camera to take the film 21 Tap the closet and tap the Fluid 2 and bottle of iodine 22 Tap the table Tap iodine tap the sheet 23 Tap the wall and tap the sheet 24 Tap the door and tap the safe enter code 5 OK 45 OK 30 OK 0 OK Take the screwdriver and the switch
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Spotlight Room Escape Level 5 Spotlight Room Escape Level 3 Menace Walkthrough YouTube
Added May 14th 2018 Spotlight Room Escape is a new room escape game from Javelin Mobile In this game you have woken up in a mysterious building with no knowledge of how you got there Work your way thorugh the rooms in the building to discover why you are there and how to get out Https helpmewithgames spotlight room escape walkthrough all the chapters Subscribe for more video http www youtube channel UCd bUKeIj3x8N52l49eUm
Walkthrough September 10 2019 Spotlight Room Escape is a thrilling and mysterious escape game where the main character has been kidnapped and forgotten everything He s trapped in a room and all he knows is that he has to get out of there before time runs out Inside the game you ll be in the place of this person and will help him escape The game Spotlight Room Escape is beautifully designed with mysterious graphics and thrilling sound effects Every object in the Room is placed with clear logic around it and each scene describes deep meaning Observe Analyze and use your logical skills to escape the mysterious Room Get ready for the most adventurous thrilling journey
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Part 5
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Walkthroughs
Spotlight Room Escape Walkthrough Afterlight - Spotlight Room Escape Afterlight stairs Answers 1 Tap the tube 2 Tap the key on the barrel 3 Tap the paper The number pi 3 1415 4 Tap 4 to go to generator room 11 Tap the hose in your inventory and tap the red fuel tank diesel 12 Tap the gaz can in your inventory and tap the floor to move the gaz can on the floor