Spellforce 3 Class Builds

Spellforce 3 Class Builds Users share their opinions and experiences on different builds for the main character in SpellForce 3 Reforced a fantasy RPG game See suggestions for warrior tank mage archer and elemental specialization skills

Some suggestion for fun builds Elementalism druidism beguilement is especially fun since you get an incredible amount of strong aoe spells to pick from and you can fry pretty much Learn how to create and develop your heroes in SpellForce 3 a fantasy RPG game Choose from different classes abilities attributes and spells for your characters

Spellforce 3 Class Builds


Spellforce 3 Class Builds


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Discipline tree 1 6 discipline your choice 1 3 shield bash your choice 3 3 sword and board for focus regen after blocking Black magic 1 6 Black magic You ll see in my build that I don t have anything in black magic but the build Quick overview of 4 best builds in SpellForce 3 Soul Harvest carry Tribe Eater Build Druidism Demonology tank Attack Defense summoner Demonolog

Subscribed 56 12K views 3 years ago SoulHarvest K2Gaming SpellForce3 Druidism Demonology gives the unique Mystical Tribe Eater shapeshift form Imo its the best hero in the game huge If you like a more aggressive build or don t want to spam Iceburst Wave of Ice too often you can add Fire for more burst damage and drop one of the white magic branches

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A quick and simple build order guide to Humans in SpellForce 3 As this is meant for beginners I decided to go with the mass Infantryman opener should be very simple to The first thing you ll want to do is hire the first 2 mercenaries available to you you can hire a max of 3 then upgrade any of your gray gear to green gear In priority Weapons Body Armor

Ideally you want to build him as a Savage and Tribe focused Skills to focus on Left tree the right side of three with the tank abilities including taunt and enfeebled perk Discussion of The Elder Scrolls Online character builds hosted by StratsCo NA PC guild


Steam Community Guide All Skills At Last Level Spoilers


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Spellforce 3 Class Builds - Within the first 2 3 minutes you can materialise 80 Lumber 80 stone and 100 Food out of your ass which would take you a good 10 15minutes to get otherwise I suggest