Skyrim Quest Stage Command Used to get the current quest stage for quest use ShowQuestTargets for IDs movetoqt Move to quest target resetquest Completely resets the given quest saq Starts every quest may cause crash SetObjectiveCompleted Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted
The setstage command is useful for advancing broken quests finishing quests instantly or for skipping ahead to a certain point in a quest You can find the quest s ID code as well as the various stages of the quests and their corresponding stage numbers on the respective quest page If you are stuck on a broken or bugged quest this guide may help you complete it The The way of the voice and Forbidden Legend quests are used as examples This is a step by step guide that will show you how to move a quest to a different stage with the use of console commands This does not always work and may cause problems if
Skyrim Quest Stage Command
Skyrim Quest Stage Command
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Find a searchable list of all quest codes from The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim on Steam PC Mac below These quest IDs can be used in console commands such as the CompleteQuest cheat Most quest related commands require the quest ID and not the form ID You can find out the stages of a specific quest with the command Updated Nov 12 2021 This page includes PC Console Commands and Cheats for the PC Steam version of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim It has been updated to include Skyrim Special Edition and
General Information This command moves you to the specified stage in the specified quest Syntax setstage quest id stage id Examples setstage C00 20 The quest Take Up Arms has a quest ID of C00 Stage 20 is the 2nd stage in the quest named Train with Vilkas This command would move you to stage 20 in the quest Take Up Arms To advance a quest stage use console command setstage questid stage e g setstage 01234567 20 Advancing a quest with a console command is a last resort if nothing else works and can have adverse consequences Watching one of the play through videos below to find a hint should be attempted before using console commands
More picture related to Skyrim Quest Stage Command
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Alternatively you can use console command coc DLC1FalmerTemple01 and SetStage 110 assuming you are just stuck at the basin If coc is useless and your queststage is 110 use the sapphire paragon You must use console command tcl and then you can gain entry to the Inner Sanctum remember to use tcl again after gaining entry Then leave How to change Quest Stage via console command Edit title should be Quest State not Quest Stage Trying to fix a bugged quest and after hours of scouring through multiple forums I believe the issue is that the quest in currently disabled when I type into the console command SQV DLC1HunterBaseStage2 I get at then Quest
Skyrim Showqueststages Command General Information This command lists all stages with their IDs for the quest with the specified ID Syntax showqueststages quest id Target Command Quest ID The ID of the quest you wish to list all stages of Examples Resetquest This will set all stages of that quest to 0 You can then use the setstage command to mark the stages complete as needed in order to fix the bug Example if you pick up an item it may mark a later stage of a fetch quest completed This may then cause the quest giver to never actually ask for the item
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Skyrim Quest Stage Command - To advance a quest stage use console command setstage questid stage e g setstage 01234567 20 Advancing a quest with a console command is a last resort if nothing else works and can have adverse consequences Watching one of the play through videos below to find a hint should be attempted before using console commands