Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4

Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4 Name Use an Air Trap Master to open up this gate All you need to do here is use the fans to reach other parts of this area Fly to the lever on the left side and pull it to rotate the gate up

Walkthrough By Hector Madrigal Bob Sprite 1 7k more updated Dec 30 2014 The Story Mode for Skylanders Trap Team consists of 18 Chapters You can earn 1 3 Stars when you complete a Skylanders Trap Team Wii U Version Walkthrough Guide Playlist http goo gl Yty6Xj Video Information This video is showcasing a walkthrough guide on h

Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4


Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4


Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4 Villain Bootcamp Temple Of Waking 3DS YouTube


Skylanders Trap Team Part 1 YouTube

Welcome to Kwings Let s Play Skylanders Trap Team HD This series is going to feature a full look at the Story Mode all 18 Chapters Nintendo Wii U Join us f For Skylanders Trap Team on the PlayStation 4 Guide and Walkthrough by dark52 Menu Home Boards Wii Wii U and iOS versions of Skylanders Trap Team This walkthrough was written using the PlayStation 4 edition of the game so there may be some slight variations if you are playing on another platform As part of the Trophy

Except for the maker of course 1 dark52 Spyro the Admin 21 39 15 20 10 2014 Here are the first two chapters of Trap Team I ll be posting two chapters a day until this is complete All off topic comments will be deleted Please do not use the comments system for conversations instead use the provided forums for the game Skylanders Trap Team is the fourth entry in the Skylanders series Kaos the evil portal master returns again This time he has freed a team of Villains called the Doom Raiders from Cloudcracker

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Welcome to the beginnings of my Walkthrough to the PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Wii Wii U PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Skylanders Trap Team This walkthrough is based off the PlayStation 4 version primarily so some parts may be slightly different if you re on other consoles The walkthrough itself tries not assume you have any specific First go up the conveyor belts and push the two blocks off the edge where you find them Once the top one is down jump back to the bottom and grab a bomb from the left use the pushed blocks to quickly get up to the top and smash through the barrier Behind there is Hat 2 4 Outback Hat Go and get a second rolling bomb and push it further

Skylanders Trap Team Wii U Version Walkthrough Guide Playlist http goo gl Yty6Xj Video Information This video is showcasing a walkthrough guide on h Skylanders Trap Team Guides and FAQs PlayStation 4 3DS Android iOS iPhone iPad PlayStation 3 Wii Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One Log in to add games to your lists Notify me about new Guides Cheats Reviews Guide and Walkthrough by dark52 v 1 0 558KB 2016 Want to Write Your Own Guide


Walkthrough Skylanders Trap Team Wiki Guide IGN


Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Episode 2 YouTube

Skylanders Trap Team Walkthrough Part 4 - Skylanders Trap Team is the fourth entry in the Skylanders series Kaos the evil portal master returns again This time he has freed a team of Villains called the Doom Raiders from Cloudcracker