Sims 3 Deep Within The Forbidden City Walkthrough Good luck finding the key Location In the city around behind the shops in the market you ll find a hole in the ground Search it to open a staircase Difficulty Easy Reward The reward for this adventure is 15 Visa Points 10 Ancient coins Improved Relationship
Market Caves Part 1 Mission A local has found a note that needs to be deciphered After the merchant reads it for you you find out the keystone you need is in the tomb under the market There is a hole in the ground behind the general merchant s store it activates the stairs Look inside the sarcophagus and it will open the door This is for the expansion pack of World Adventures which is basically allowing your little people to head on over to exotic locales such as Egypt China and France and explore the area
Sims 3 Deep Within The Forbidden City Walkthrough
Sims 3 Deep Within The Forbidden City Walkthrough
The Forbidden City Walkthrough Polygon
The Forbidden City Walkthrough Polygon
For instance if you needed help with the Tomb of Discovery then hopefully you should be able to hit ctrl F and type in Tomb of Discovery minus the quotes to find it I tried to copy as much in Deep Within the Forbidden City Haggling the Final Details Stealing the Warlord s Gold Walkthrough Running up the middle of the city is a big path that leads to the Halls of the Lost Army On either side of the path are trees and grass On the side closest to the shops you ll see a couple of statues and a standing tile Go down the stairs
Go down the hall and through the door Pull this statue to open the secret door Go through the door and into this room Examine the wall to open the secret door Examine the wall to open the secret door Pick up the keystone Pick up the keystone at the end of the hall Examine the hole in the wall to turn the trap off The Forbidden City is not a perfect square in the real world and is located within Beijing The Terracotta Army in the real world is much larger than it is in game The Temple of Heaven in the real world does not contain an underground tomb or house a mythical axe In game the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests does not exist
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The Forbidden City Walkthrough Polygon
9 SONG OF THE DEEP Gameplay The Forbidden City Walkthrough PC Full Game HD No Commentary
With the keystone located it is time to deep dive into Huo s Dong Treasure Trove in today s TheSims by Maxis TheSims3 WorldAdventures SimsTake your Sims Re Adventure Deep Within the Forbidden City Reply 1 on September 06 2010 01 29 19 AM There are two entrances one is in front of the market where you step on a floor switch the other is behind the market where you have to reach into a hole to make a set of stairs appear Whichever entrance you re at is the wrong one try the other
1 2 Walkthrough 1 3 Related Pages The Concern of Illegible Handwriting This is an adventure your sims can do in China Adventure Details Objective Discuss Note with Shen Su about the note to find the location of Dong Huo s treasure In Game Description It is most fortunate that there are fellow treasure seekers in Shang Simla Skye megaman 14 years ago 1 I got this quest where it says that the quest giver has put the key s location on my map I assume its the symbol like a little temple in a speech bubble However that
China The Forbidden City 01 English Walkthrough No Commentary YouTube
The Forbidden City Walkthrough Polygon
Sims 3 Deep Within The Forbidden City Walkthrough - 1 2 Walkthrough 1 3 Related Pages Deep Within the Forbidden City This is an adventure your sims can do in China Adventure Details Objective Deliver the Key of Dong Hou s Treasure Trove to Shen Su to receive Ancient Coins In Game Description Hmmm yes I can see why you failed to decipher this note