Sims 1 Magic Ingredients

Sims 1 Magic Ingredients Sims need to collect magic ingredients to create useful spells Of course some ingredients are harder to obtain than others and that means some spells are

Ingredients are added to a Sim s inventory from where they are used with the correct equipment to produce an item of food or charge the Sim s magic wand with a spell or produce a charm These ingredients Age of Instant Charm 4 0 In Depth Adult Spells This section will contain a more in depth look at each spell and

Sims 1 Magic Ingredients


Sims 1 Magic Ingredients


The Sims 1 Magic Show YouTube


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The following guide describes all available spells charms and recipes available to you in Makin Magic it also tells you what ingredients you need to create them These are all possible with The Sims Makin Magic spells In this guide we will show you the ingredients and effects of all the recipes you can make in the game

Sims start their cooking at a fridge by getting the ingredients It will then proceed to chop up the veggies if there s an empty counter or use a food processor if Charm Horn of Plenty Ingredients Golden Thread Magic Beans Magic Beans Effects This charm will generate about 4 5 plates of food and place them on any nearby surfaces mainly dinner

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You begin the game with just three ingredients butter toad stools and toad sweat and you can combine these to create a spell that will temporarily turn a They include family members Jeb Phermas Eon Thodos Thog Calos Landoloss Hope Selena and Divine to name a few Makin Magic also includes the ability to make rollercoasters for a sim s

I will tell you about what Makin Magic items avaliable at the house appear in Downtown added in Hot Date Vacation Island added in Vacation Old Town More Productive Magic Toy Box This gives kids faerie dust more often I m putting it here because it makes magic ingredients but it s actually under the


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Sims 1 Magic Ingredients - Sims start their cooking at a fridge by getting the ingredients It will then proceed to chop up the veggies if there s an empty counter or use a food processor if