Siberian 3 Sword Puzzle Walkthrough Walkthrough for Syberia 3 The Complete Journey CHAPTER 1 VALSEMBOR CLINIC SYBERIA WILDERNESS Watch the intro to see how you are found lost in a blizzard after Hans left you VALSEMBOR CLINIC WARD After 3 months of recovering you wake up in a run down hospital ward You share this ward with one other patient a man with a missing leg
By rebob777 This is a 25 part walkthrough for the Syberia 3 game There are many ways to play any game These videos are intended to provide a straight forward playing of the game with just a few wanderings away for achievement purposes Some of the achievements seemed so irrelevant to the story line that they were not pursued Guide and Walkthrough PC by ralebeau Version 1 1 Updated 05 12 2017 Syberia 3 PC version walker by ralebeau Starting a second play through I don t expect this to be a hand holding
Siberian 3 Sword Puzzle Walkthrough
Siberian 3 Sword Puzzle Walkthrough
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Now take the stairs leading to the higher diving platform straight across the entrance door and get to the top Go through the end of the end of the platform and zoom in Install the three lenses in the holes The blue on to the left the green one in the middle and the red one on the right Click twice on the active point at the end of the Syberia 3 Full Game Walkthrough Playthrough Gameplay Part 1 and Ending No Commentary Longplay Let s Play Adventure Puzzle Game 2017 This full game compl
Syberia 3 game guide contains a comprehensive walkthrough of the game You will find solutions to all puzzles locations of important items and advice on gameplay basics Separate chapters are devoted to achievements and controls The game guide for Syberia 3 contains useful tips for this anticipated sequel The guide containing many pictures Syberia 3 Story walkthrough The game starts with a cutscene as most do showing you how Kate was found nearly frozen to death after leaving Syberia She is picked up and saved by the Youkols a
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2 Syberia 3 General hints and tips The game will ask you if you want a tutorial but I ll give you the run down here Pressing brings up your inventory and pressing brings up your documents In Syberia 3 Complete Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game No Commentary Adventure Vault 13 1K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 824 Share 114K views 2 years ago Syberia3 Title Syberia 3
Syberia 3 Walkthrough Syberia 3 begins with Kate Walker dying by the edge of the river She s rescued by the Youkols a tribe of wandering nomads and taken to a rather dilapidated hospital Valsembor Hospital You wake up in a hospital bed with a strange Youkul man next to you Zoom in and turn left the valve mouse movement as far as you can then raise the transparent cover of the button located below the valve move the mouse up and press the said button after several attempts to shift gears the captain will call your from the bridge Talk to him through a voice tube and Obo will instruct Kate what to do
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Siberian 3 Sword Puzzle Walkthrough - Third puzzle Everything is quite simple If you don t want to waste your time trying just take a look at the screenshot above to see how to arrange the pipe pieces As soon as all the indicators turn green the case on the right will open Inside it is the same TACT gadget Other guides