Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku Make Your Way Through The Hangar Use Stealth Kills Silent Shots Hide in bushes vine covered walls to kill enemies stealthily
OBJECTIVE Find the Ruins You can eavesdrop on Abby and Jonah for a bit if you like and crack open a salvage crate in the corner nearby Then move through the cantina toward the village There are a few NPCs you can speak to and when you pass the waitress she tells you there s a market in the middle of town and it is indicated on your map Shadow of the Tomb Raider All Crypts Kuwaq Yaku Walkthroughfirst 00 00 finds Condor Cowl of Urqusecond 01 25 finds Nine Strides Boots
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Guide Kuwaq Yaku Challenge Tomb GoGame
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Part 10 Kuwaq Yaku Path To The Hidden City Walkthrough YouTube
First switch Second switch Third switch Exiting the tomb Finding the challenge tomb The challenge tomb is to the northeast of Kuwaq Yaku Starting from the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins base camp This Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough guide will show you how to solve the Door puzzle and find a away to open the temple gate in Kuwaq Yaku during the
SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER Kuwaq Yaku Flooded Ruins with Piranhas Kuwaq Yaku Flooded Ruins with Piranhas This map illustrates the same route shown in the screenshots below After examining the stele and unlocking the new skill dive off the wooden platform into the pool below Swim down and into the tunnel to the southeast Follow the hallway and jump the gap you come to You ll find the sarcophagus in the next room where you can pick up Nine Strides Boots Exiting the crypt Head back along the path until you get
More picture related to Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku
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Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Kuwaq Yaku Crypts Guide Polygon
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SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER Kuwaq Yaku Temple of Light Gate Puzzle Kuwaq Yaku Temple of Light Gate Puzzle part 1 Start by rotating each pillar so the lower symbol matches the symbol on the round panel in the alcove beside it Here are the locations of 5 possible totems advertisement Crude Awakenings Destroy 5 Oil Barrels They are scattered on the ground and bright red Shoot them to blow them up
Jump to the right craggy wall and head up When you reach the ground scramble up the next wall Head forward jump to the wall in front of you and scramble up the left side Finally perform one 0 05 Find the Challenge Tomb Location 1 40 How to Enter the Tomb4 21 How to Solve the Tomb Puzzle Wind Puzzle 8 18 How to Exit the TombREWARD Huracan s Ma
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Complete The Trial Of The Eagle Puzzle Kuwaq Yaku Mission Easy
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku Dsdaser
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Walkthrough Kuwaq Yaku - Kuwaq Yaku Howling Caves Challenge Tombs Walkthrough Shadow of the Tomb Raider 2018 Gamer Guides San Juan Raise the Flags 51 Crypts Peruvian Jungle Urqu the Scout 52 Peruvian Jungle Rimak the Storyteller 53 Kuwaq Yaku Wayta the Tyrant 54 Kuwaq Yaku Nameless Crypt 55 Hidden City Chuki the Weaver 56