Sally Face Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Sally Face Chapter 1 Walkthrough Sally Face Ep 1 Guide By emprissy How to complete Ch 1 fully all secrets achievements side quests and main quests Hope this helps Please let me know of any mistakes be they content formatting spelling grammer continuity etc etc etc 3 17 2 Award Favorite Share Created by emprissy Offline Category Achievements Secrets Walkthroughs

To solve the puzzle on the ground step on the buttons in this order 5 4 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 Go through the door Sal you now need to take the door where you can NOT hear any noise Take the middle door then the left one then the right one Stop here Keep going right to find a third secret room 1 Award Favorite Favorited Unfavorite Share The Unknown 1 Check the third from the right drawer of the morgue before Sal s mother 2 Check the hole in the wall of the fifth floor 3 Go to the kitchen of Lisa and Larry s house walk B Metalhead After hearing the song that Larry will put on the radio just ask him to play it again

Sally Face Chapter 1 Walkthrough


Sally Face Chapter 1 Walkthrough


What Is Sally Face Moplamoney,f_auto/p/9c90f5da-180c-4ff6-8c45-c85359b379f7/652425239/sally-face-screenshot.png


Sally Face IN SEEKING PROVIDENCE Walkthrough Chapter 1 7 GamePretty

Episode 1 Strange Neighbors Sally Face Full Game Walkthrough All Episodes All Achievements Carrot Helper 100 Walkthroughs No Commentary 71 3K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 1 First Steps Explore a spooky journey with the youngster with a prosthetic face and a horrible past Sally Face and his father move into an apartment that has strange occupants and a regrettable crime scene in the first episode Strange Neighbors They had no idea what fate still awaited them

2024 Google LLC Complete playthrough of Sally Face Episode One Strange Neighbors including the Gear Boy mini game Recorded by Dahlia published 26 January 2018 Get Sally F First time playing Sally Face Game Walkthrough Chapter 1 MadMorph 386K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 3K 20K views 1 year ago I have never seen this game but people kept

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Overview Full walkthrough for perfectionists such as myself all secrets achievements side and main quests etc All Achievements The Unknown found the feet the eye and the dark one Metalhead listened to Sanity s Fall multiple times House of The Wretched completed the Gear Boy game A Dark Secret got Lisa to mention Larry s secret Here s a step by step walkthrough for Episode 1 of Sally Face titled Strange Neighbors to help you complete the first chapter of the game First Steps You start in a hospital following a mysterious accident Begin by turning on the light switch next to the door Notice the dog portrait on the wall then answer the ringing phone

WALKTHROUGH PART 1 ADDISON APARTMENT BUILDING STRANGE ROOM You re in a strange room somewhere with your alarm beeping loudly The room appears to be a combination of several rooms from the apartment block You are playing as Dr Enon After your last session with Sal you need to know if he is telling the truth or not so you visit his old apartment block Head left and continue left to the tree Climb up into the tree house TREE HOUSE Search boxes on the ground nothing interesting Look at picture of Larry s parents on the wall


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Review Sally Face Episode One Strange Neighbors

Sally Face Chapter 1 Walkthrough - WALKTHROUGH CEMETERY GRAVEYARD After Sal s execution in the last episode you re now playing as Ash Walk left as far as you can In the very left edge you ll find a hidden unmarked hexagon