Saints Row 2 Mission Walkthrough

Saints Row 2 Mission Walkthrough Overview In Saints Row 2 Missions are divided into five sections There is a 3rd Street Saints Prologue followed by three concurrent gang arcs with an Ultor Epilogue once all three gangs have been defeated

Objective Kill the doctor You ll receive a brief tutorial on melee attacks just as you spot the doctor ahead of your start position Sneak up on the doctor and unleash a melee combination attack Updated Sep 8 2022 IGN s walkthrough of Saints Row will guide you through all the Main Missions of the game including tips and strategies for getting through Missions quickly

Saints Row 2 Mission Walkthrough


Saints Row 2 Mission Walkthrough


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Mission 1 By Jason Burton IGN GameGuides Rusty 366 more updated Sep 16 2012 Walkthrough Mission 1 advertisement Mission 1 1 Jailbreak Mission 1 2 Appointed Defender Share your videos with friends family and the world

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Secret Mission Revelation There is one secret mission in Saints Row 2 that can be triggered at any time Completing it yields the Vengeance achievement on the Xbox 360 version and it also counts towards the 100 completion rating Mission 2 3 Road Rage Mission 2 5 Orange Threat Level Mission 2 6 Kanto Connection Mission 2 7 Visiting Hours Mission 2 8 Room Service Mission 2 9 Rest in Peace Mission

3 Saints Row 2 Main Campaign The story in this game is open world with a lot of freedom to choose which story mission you desire to play through Throughout the story you will get multiple 1 Saints Row 2 Walkthrough overview Welcome to the Walkthrough for Saints Row 2 Here we will guide you through the entirety of the main game including all DLC and unlocking every available


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Saints Row 2 Mission Walkthrough - Mission 1 Got Dust Will Travel Follow the marked route on your GPS to reach Stilwater University at the southwest end of the map There are dealers selling the Sons of Samedi s product at two different locations in the Stilwater University District One batch is selling in Frat Row at the north end of the district and the other batch is at