Saints Row 2 Insurance Tips

Saints Row 2 Insurance Tips Ok Insurance Fraud is really easy First you go on a high way One elevated from the ground Then stand in the on comming lane and when a big truck is heading right for you

It s been awhile but I recall Insurance Fraud being easy Try to hit cars with angled hoods for air and then slam into as many cars as possible City vehicles such as police or ambulances A few tips that I usually follow to succeed 1 If there s a speeding car you can have it consecutively ram you dozens of times and juggle you in the air if you keep in front of it and

Saints Row 2 Insurance Tips


Saints Row 2 Insurance Tips


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I miss the challenge of the old activities though honestly Insurance Fraud is so god damn easy in SR22 that it s criminal Once you can start exploding shit just run down a line of parked cars or The best way that I found to do insurance fraud is this 1 When you start make sure the place you are headed to has a highway If not quit then restart until it gives you an

The only tip I could give you is to make sure you do it on the highway as there are more cars and they travel faster Try to steer yourself into cars when you re in the air to earn I m planning on using it in SR3 to get the Windshield Cannon challenge but that means that I m going to have to gain money in Insurance Fraud very quickly to make up for the time I spend

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Had to get this off my hard drive Hope it helped I have been able to beat all of the insurance fraud levels within about half of the given time Just make sure you control your character in the air and hit multiple cars The freeway tip is a

I got almost every other achievement already but I can t manage to do the insurance fraud missions for the life of me Are there any tips or cheese tactics for these missions Archived Insurance Fraud To progress in Insurance Fraud you must attain the dollar amount indicated in the top left corner of the screen before time runs out Score is built by


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Saints Row 2 Insurance Tips - I miss the challenge of the old activities though honestly Insurance Fraud is so god damn easy in SR22 that it s criminal Once you can start exploding shit just run down a line of parked cars or