Room Escape 50 Rooms 3 Walkthrough Level 20 Game Name Escape game 50 rooms 3 Game Developers BusColdApp Google Play Download https play google store apps details id com coldapp at50rooms3
New 50 Rooms Escape Can You Escape Level 20 Walkthrough Android New 50 Rooms Escape Can You Escape 20New 50 Rooms Escape Level 20New 50 Rooms Escape 20New Level 21 Walkthrough Escape Game 50 Rooms 1 Move to the bed and collect a sim card from under the pillow Then move to the desk on the left of the room to get the phone on the desk Combine the sim card with the phone in your inventory to view the screen with numbers of items on it 2
Room Escape 50 Rooms 3 Walkthrough Level 20
Room Escape 50 Rooms 3 Walkthrough Level 20
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Guide for all levels of Escape Game 50 rooms Escape Game is one of a series of room escape games that set a good challenge and well laid out environments to keep you equally interested and confused until you find the solutions you need to move from one room to the next Each room has an exit door which you need to collect clues and solve Level 11 Walkthrough Escape Game 50 Rooms 1 Tap the lower bed then the pillow on it and pick up the piece of paper from underneath From the top bunk bed get the jaws of some pliers Tap the poster on the left wall twice to move it and collect a second piece of paper
We also added video walkthrough including solutions for all levels if you want to get any help about any rooms and levels We hope you will able to solve every levels and escape from 50 rooms successfully Good luck and have fun Play on Android Download APK Escape Game 50 Rooms 3 Walkthrough All Levels Hello and good day everyone welcome to our Walkthrough for room No 16 of recently released mobile game New 50 Rooms Escape Can you escape Escape game After extremely dark and cold room No 15 it s time to make a cut and move on to a little more pleasant flows Room No 16 is a bedroom and therefore more pleasant for staying in
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1 Tap the bed then the pillow and pick up the piece of paper Tap the poster on the left wall twice and pick up the second piece of paper Tap the guitar twice and get the handle From the top bunk bed get the top of the pliers Combine it with the handle 2 Tap the red luggage box on the ground and use the pliers to open it Room 2 Hello and good day everyone welcome to our Walkthrough for room No 2 of the recently published mobile game New 50 Rooms Escape Can you escape Escape game During the previous room which was the tutorial room you were introduced to the concept and basic rules of finding a way out of room No 1 Specifically your next room room No
01 Perception This is the first room Peter gets stuck in and will continue to be stuck in the next ten rooms after which Camille will take over being the victim Check out how to beat 50 Tiny Room Escape Act 1 in this guide Rotate the room and hit the light switch above the bed when you start It makes it easier for you to see and find clues Buy Thias LHS a Coffee for Support https ko fi thiaslhsClassic Room Escape Game Escape game the 50 rooms 1 Released This is a classic puzzle game Y
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Room Escape 50 Rooms 3 Walkthrough Level 20 - Hello and good day everyone welcome to our Walkthrough for room No 16 of recently released mobile game New 50 Rooms Escape Can you escape Escape game After extremely dark and cold room No 15 it s time to make a cut and move on to a little more pleasant flows Room No 16 is a bedroom and therefore more pleasant for staying in