Riddle School 1 Walkthrough In Words

Riddle School 1 Walkthrough In Words Watch the full walkthrough for Riddle School Riddle School is available to play here http www gogy games riddle school Help GoGy Games reach 100K

Riddle School Chapter 1 Walkthrough At the teacher s table click on the sharpener Walk east and open the locker next to the fountain to get a hall pass To enter Ms Cophey s room click north Take the feather duster from the trash bin and exit the room by clicking on it Make your way east and inside the janitor s closet Walkthrough Click the pencil sharpener on the teacher s desk to slip out of the classroom In the hall go east To the right of the drinking fountain is a locker with 2 slits click it to open it Inside is a hall pass Take it then go north into the classroom Click the trashcan to find a feather duster then leave by going south

Riddle School 1 Walkthrough In Words


Riddle School 1 Walkthrough In Words


Free Game Friday Riddle School Series GameSpew


Tangoper Blog

Go out to the hallway and then into Mrs Sleep s room Click the open desk to get sliding oil and 30 cents 3 4 Go out go right and then click on the first locker at the right side You will get a dime 5 Go right again Click on the slidy to reveal a toilet paper roll inside the vent I did these walkthroughs a bit differently usually i show everything but this time i went and just finished it You can play the game yourself to see all t

EXtreme Walkthroughs presents you with a Riddle school walkthrough Walkthrough The game begins immediately following the conclusion of Riddle School 5 and sees Phil and his friends captured by the government following their adventure in space After gaining control of Phil click the toilet lid to look inside Click the flusher handle on the inside front of the toilet to take it then click the red arrow to return to the cell

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Riddle Transfer is a Flash Game made by JonBro Jonochrome It is a spin off to the Riddle School Series and is also the sequel to Riddle School 5 It came out on June 6th 2011 and is the second to last game in the series before Riddle Transfer 2 Click here to play Riddle Transfer online for free Riddle School Walkthrough 1 click on sharpener at teacher s table 2 go east and open locker beside the fountain and take hall pass 3 click north to go inside ms cophey s room 4 click on trash can to take feather duster then get out of the room 5 go east and go inside the janitor s closet

1 click on sharpener at teacher s table 2 go east and open locker beside the fountain and take hall pass 3 click north to go inside ms cophey s room 4 click on trash can to take feather duster then get out of the room 5 go east and go inside the janitor s closet 6 give him the feather duster and he will give you a dollar bill F Flash Riddle School is a fun game of mystery and puzzle solving and the first title in the Riddle School series You are stuck in school in a boring class and you want to escape You must interact with various objects in the classrooms and hallway and try to deceive and confuse the teachers and try to leave the school and your boring class


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Riddle School 1 Walkthrough In Words - Go out to the hallway and then into Mrs Sleep s room Click the open desk to get sliding oil and 30 cents 3 4 Go out go right and then click on the first locker at the right side You will get a dime 5 Go right again Click on the slidy to reveal a toilet paper roll inside the vent