Reversal Mountain White 2 Walkthrough

Reversal Mountain White 2 Walkthrough If you are playing Black 2 Reversal Mountain is watery inside but if you are playing White 2 Reversal Mountain has lava inside The layout is slightly different between the two games Go north from the entrance and then left There s a Max Repel there From there go east again then north

Reversal Mountain White 2 70 Strange House 71 Undella Town 72 Undella Bay 73 Route 14 74 Route 13 75 To Gym 7 Part 2 Lacunosa Town 76 Route 12 77 Village Bridge 78 Route 11 79 Opelucid City 80 Post story mode walkthrough with all hidden areas uncovered Save time by finding the rarest of items for free Reversal Mountain Once you re inside the mountain head north through to the back of the first area Move through the door leading east Head south until you reach the south edge of the room then head east Continue east until you reach the Doctor standing in front of a doorway down some steps Move down the steps and enter the door

Reversal Mountain White 2 Walkthrough


Reversal Mountain White 2 Walkthrough


Pok mon Black 2 And White 2 Walkthrough Part 34 Reversal Mountain


Reversal Mountain Remastered Pok mon White 2 YouTube

To Gym 7 Part 1 5 15 Dark Grass 10 30 Dark Grass You ll start outside the mountain Follow the path until you come across a Cyclist Continue onto the next Cyclist Battle her From here you ll see some tall grass south of the female Cyclist leading east If you move through this and follow it to the other side you ll find a Check out PlanetPoke http www youtube planetpokeThis is Part 39 of my Pokemon Black White 2 Walkthrough I am playing through Black 2 version and wi

Reversal Mountain Locate the trainer Doctor Derek first and use the stairway near him to reach the section of BF1 where Heatran s chamber is located Once you are ready save and then use the Magma Stone to unveil Heatran then interact with it to face it in battle Black 2 and White 2 walkthrough This article is part of Project Welcome to Part 29 of my Pokemon White 2 Walkthrough In this episode of my Pokemon White 2 Walkthrough I explore Reversal Mountain and capture the fifth te

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Pok mon Black 2 And White 2 Walkthrough Part 34 Reversal Mountain


Pok mon Black 2 And White 2 Walkthrough Part 35 Undella Town Undella Bay And Route 14

Most common here all of them found at levels 31 34 are Skorupi followed by Spoink in Black 2 and Numel in White 2 as well as Drifblim Less common are Trapinch the evolved form of the game specific pokemon Grumpig and Camerupt and at a one in twenty chance Skarmory Lentimas chamber Pick up the Max Repel and turn east Main chamber Step inside the main chamber and Bianca teams up with you to get through the mountain Head south past Black Belt Corey and grab the Nugget in the tunnel to the east Continue south and check the nearest stalagmite for a hidden Green Shard Check the tunnel east of Backpacker Kiyo and Hiker Markus to get a Hyper Potion and a

Welcome to Part 30 of my Pokemon White 2 Walkthrough In this episode of my Pokemon White 2 Walkthrough I get through the rest of Reversal Mountain and ente Reversal Mountain is similar to Route 4 in that it changes depending on the version of the game you re playing In Black 2 Reversal Mountain is inactive and has some water inside In White 2 it s an active volcano and the area is filled with lava instead This difference between versions amounts to some different routes through Reversal Mountain with different items available


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Reversal Mountain White 2 Walkthrough - Check out PlanetPoke http www youtube planetpokeThis is Part 39 of my Pokemon Black White 2 Walkthrough I am playing through Black 2 version and wi