Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough

Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough Walkthrough There are a total of 6 parts for this mission Each part has the player collecting various exotic plants and animals for Algernon Note This stranger mission can take a while to complete so to complete faster be sure

Duchesses and other Animals Exotics Walkthrough How to unlock Complete mission The Gilded Cage Quest giver Algernon Wasp This sidequest is without a doubt the Upon speaking to him you ll learn that he wants you to head out into the world and gather exotic plants and other animal parts for him This is arguably the longest Stranger Mission in the game and it s a good idea to accept it early

Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough


Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough


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Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Stranger Mission Guide

Birds http www powerpyx wp content uploads red dead redemption 2 exotic egrets herons spoonbills gator eggs jpgLady of the Night Orchids http www Welcome to the Red Dead Redemption 2 complete guide to Duchesses and other Animals If you find this video helpful give it a like and consider subscribing

Duchesses and Other Animals mission walkthrough and hints After completing The Gilded Cage mission you will be able to go north of Saint Denis and talk to Algernon Wasp whom you will find in his studio north of Saint Denis 2 16M subscribers 5 475 views 4 years ago RDR2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough Part 77 Duchesses and Other Animals PS4 HD 1080p60FPS Playlist Red Dead

More picture related to Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough


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Ep 90 Duchesses And Other Animals RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LONG PLAY Lightwave Al

Egrets Across the river from Caliga Hall left side of the red bridge keep sleeping and riding away until you find the ones you want Herons Same strategy as the Egrets but do it in the area Duchesses and other Animals Walkthrough In north of Saint Denis Algernon Wasp can be found behind the Blue Hotel He then gives you a list of the things he need Return

In Red Dead Redemption 2 players encounter a variety of colorful strangers each offering unique side quests with equally unique rewards One such quest Duchesses and Complete Guide for Duchesses and Other Animals Exotics Collectible Strangers Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 given by Algernon Wasp with Objectives and Video Walkthrough


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Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchess And Other Animals Pt 2 YouTube

Red Dead Redemption 2 Duchesses And Other Animals Walkthrough - Use Dead Eye to take down the whole flock You will eventually need plumes from many birds Watch the trees in the swamp the orchids on the trees are easy to spot in tracking