Portal Test Chamber 19 Walkthrough Part 3 Test Chamber 19 In the first room of the testchamber is a high energy pellet dispenser as well as a receptor both positioned on the ceiling First place a blue portal on the angled wall panel
This video is a walkthrough of Test Chamber 19 Part 3 Enjoy For those who need help with figuring out Portal The fourth part of my Portal Walkthrough No cheats just playing the game normally without fancy technique
Portal Test Chamber 19 Walkthrough Part 3
Portal Test Chamber 19 Walkthrough Part 3
Portal Walkthrough Test Chamber 13 YouTube
Mozpersian Blog
The final test chamber along with escaping the main area and going into the bowels of Aperture Science This chamber and the rest of the game does not have an associated time challenge so the only reason to learn how to go through quickly is for a speedrun Like the moving platform part of Chamber 15 it takes too long to get through the corridors the obvious way so use peek a portal instead Upon reaching the platform above the fire pit
This is the final Test Chamber and twentieth level of the game It features the Unstationary Scaffold and High Energy Pellets and Goo is present as the primary hazard Walk to the end of the hallway Shoot portals on the tilted panels to get the Pellet to the catcher If you didn t succeed wait for the Pellet to be on the side of the catcher Fire a blue portal through the opened door then place an orange portal on a nearby wall to pass through and bypass the door Drop into the hole at the end of the hall Up Next Test Chamber 19 Part 3
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Portal Test Chamber 03 Portal Wiki
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After a chamber where you disable turrets and use momentum to put a cube on a button you reach Test Chamber 19 Put a portal on the angled piece of wall that doesn t have a pellet bouncing on it then put a portal of the other color on the angled piece of wall that does have a pellet bouncing on it This will start the platforms moving Test Chamber 19 GLaDOS Walkthrough Jump down and place a portal into the room where the Beam is going Pick up the cube on the floor and place the other portal in a spot where you can go through it Point the cube to the Receptacle on the other side of the chamber Jump down and look for a cube on the left in the middle of the entrance
Solution walkthrough for Portal Playlist for other levels http bit ly 2lWpPpmOther walkthroughs https bit ly 2ZE05wtPortal is a new single player game Portal Escape Part 3 This is the twenty third level of the game It takes place within the maintenence areas of the facility and requires the player to utilise Flinging Turrets are present as the primary hazard Walk left to the other side of the corridor and to the center of the dark room Wait for the pistons to activate and drop down
Portal Test Chamber 19 Part 4 YouTube
Test Chamber 19 Portal Kingspecials
Portal Test Chamber 19 Walkthrough Part 3 - Fire a blue portal through the opened door then place an orange portal on a nearby wall to pass through and bypass the door Drop into the hole at the end of the hall Up Next Test Chamber 19 Part 3