Portal Still Alive Part After Drones Walkthrough

Portal Still Alive Part After Drones Walkthrough 1 Portal Still Alive Walkthrough Overview Welcome to the walkthrough for Portal Still Alive This arcade version of Portal the only one that remains outside of The Orange Box is

From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Portal Still Alive Go along the side of the bridge and on the other side put a portal on the wall behind the button Now look down at the light bridge and you will see a cube Shoot a portal on the floor there right beside the cube and the cube will fall thorugh to the button That opens a door beside the button

Portal Still Alive Part After Drones Walkthrough


Portal Still Alive Part After Drones Walkthrough


Portal Still Alive 2008 Jeu Vid o SensCritique


Portal Still Alive Walkthrough Part 1 Test Chambers 1 12 YouTube

Put a portal on the wall on your side of the large gap then ride the moving platform to the other side and stand on the button there so you can shoot another portal past the door Then ride it Press the switch and a small bot in the next room will activate target you and fire a rocket Don t be too alarmed as that s actually a good thing The rocket the bot fires will destroy the

12 4 50 76 461 13 046 17 6 8h 76 461 gamers are tracking their Portal Still Alive achievements Click here to track your progress Is Anyone There achievement in Portal Still Alive Is All Still Alive challenge maps and advanced chambers in Portal Still Alive A full walkthrough of the entire game can be found here https www trueachieve

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Portal Still Alive 2008 Xbox 360 Box Cover Art MobyGames


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Portal Still Alive Portal Mods

Portal Still Alive Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Challenges Portals Bronze 13 Silver 9 Gold 7 5 Portal Strategy Proceed forward and shoot a blue portal onto the ceiling on either side of the room Shoot an orange portal at your feet While falling shoot a blue portal at the wall directly above the entry doorway Portal Still Alive Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Links Portal Still Alive is an expanded re release of Portal a puzzle game by Valve Software Still Alive was first released on October 22 2008 It includes all the original puzzles as well as 14 puzzles selected from the Portal The Flash Version MapPack

Walkthrough Go trough the first door To your right will be a turret Portal behind it and knock it down Quickly after that portal over to the upper ledge and behind the other turret Knock it down Option 1 Option 2 CTRL Place the cube on one floor and portal to the Victory Lift The Escape In the first room of the testchamber is a high energy pellet dispenser as well as a receptor both positioned on the ceiling First place a blue portal on the angled wall panel under


Portal Still Alive Walkthrough Episode 9 Level 19 Part 4 YouTube


Portal Still Alive Walkthrough Part 2 Chapters 3 5 YouTube

Portal Still Alive Part After Drones Walkthrough - 12 4 50 76 461 13 046 17 6 8h 76 461 gamers are tracking their Portal Still Alive achievements Click here to track your progress Is Anyone There achievement in Portal Still Alive Is