Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 4

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 4 Introduction Hello and welcome to my Portal 2 Co op Walkthrough Use the sections on the right to navigate to the level of which you require and play the video Alternatively you can go straight to the YouTube Playlist here Hope my guide helps please leave a rating dependant on how you thought this guide was and leave a comment if you wish

11 1K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 177 35K views 12 years ago Portal 2 Co op Course 4 Walkthrough Our written steps exceed the YouTube description limit If you wish to follow Walkthrough Atlas P body 1 Go to the button and fire a portal on the surface with the Excursion Funnel Place your other portal on the wall facing the Material Emancipation Grill so that the Funnel goes through the Grill Then go stand on the button 2 Use the Aerial Faith Plate to launch yourself in the Funnel

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 4


Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 4


Portal 2 Co Op Gameplay Lanetatitan


Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough 9 YouTube

2 2Hazards 3Walkthrough Video walkthrough 4Related achievements Summary This chamber requires some timing skills since the players need to switch their portal placements in a short period of time and carry both of the players to the other side of the chamber in one funnel 2 2Hazards 3Walkthrough Video walkthrough 4Related achievements Summary The players are introduced to two in this chamber Excursion Funnels and Shredders The chamber isn t that hard to solve but it is still easy to make deadly mistakes

Course 4 Excursion Funnels Player 1 As soon as you land turn left and then get a portal on the thin wall panel where the vertical light bridge is hitting then look for an identical thin wall panel to your right Set your second portal here extending the light bridge and blocking off the turrets tucked away on the right side Welcome to our Co op video walkthrough for Portal 2 Here you ll find a ton of video with commentary for Portal 2 Achievement Trophy vids are in the walkthrough as well

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Co op Challenges Course 4 Excursion Funnels Purchase on Amazon Test Chamber 7 Test Chamber 6 Test Chamber 8 Player 1 Once you start the latest chamber hang a right and proceed through the force field now look up at the wall panel up above the red button and set your first portal here Check out this Portal 2 Co op walkthrough and beat Course 4 Part 2 Room 02 09 with this online demo Transcript Blue please disregard the following statement Orange you have been a shining light in an otherwise ungodly morass of incompetence Blue that transpired just as you said it would Blue I can t bite my tongue anymore

Full Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLEB913E53B9C2F8FF Watch more Portal 2 Walkthroughs videos http www howcast videos 465268 Portal Portal 2 Walkthrough Co op Section Course Test 4 Part 3 Get to the end of Section 4 with a buddy Share Download Video Subscribe to IGN Plus to access HD video downloads Get IGN Plus


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Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 4 - Vyynn and Korvus take on Portal 2 Co op in a dual commentary Vyynn ATLAS Blue Korvus P body Orange The Army of Light is a RP Republic aligned guild f