Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 3 Chamber 4

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 3 Chamber 4 Full Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLEB913E53B9C2F8FF Watch more Portal 2 Walkthroughs videos

Portal 2 Co op Walkthrough By HCubed and 1 collaborators Quick easy to follow video tutorials for each separate level that you ll come across in the Multiplayer Co op Ask player 2 to join you afterwards so you re both in the same excursion funnel at the same time Once you re both ready look back towards the wall ahead of you and place the portal on the

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 3 Chamber 4


Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 3 Chamber 4


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Portal 2 Co op Walkthrough Course 3 Part 4 Room 04 08 Howcast

Full Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLEB913E53B9C2F8FF Watch more Portal 2 Walkthroughs videos Co op Course 3 Chamber 8 This is the twenty third level in Co op mode of Portal 2 and the eighth level in the course The chamber requires advanced knowledge the Hard

This is the twenty fifth level in Co op mode of Portal 2 and the second level in the course The chamber introduces the players to the use of Excursion Funnels together with the Aerial Faith Plates and other objects Goo Achievement 45 Triple Crown Solve 3 Coop Chambers in the Mass Velocity Course in under 60 seconds each To start we will begin in the Mass Velocity Course The easiest Test Chambers to beat in under 60

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Test Chamber 2 Course 4 Excursion Funnels Co op Challenges Portal 2 Gamer Guides


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Co op Walkthrough Welcome to our Co op video walkthrough for Portal 2 Here you ll find a ton of video with commentary for Portal 2 Achievement Trophy vids are in the 1 Fire your portals on the panels facing the Material Emancipation Grill and go stand in front of the two switches 2 Go in the infinite loop and prepare to activate the two switches 3 Put the portal from the panels facing

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough By JenstheHero and 2 collaborators Game in german no subtitles with chamberselection Simply watch the video on Youtube and click on the For the first chamber of the game all that needs to be done is to have one player leave a portal in the beginning room while the other opens the doors using the floor


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Portal 2 Co op Walkthrough Course 5 Part 3 Room 03 08 Howcast

Portal 2 Coop Walkthrough Course 3 Chamber 4 - Full Playlist https www youtube playlist list PLEB913E53B9C2F8FF Watch more Portal 2 Walkthroughs videos