Pokemon Y Frost Cavern Walkthrough

Pokemon Y Frost Cavern Walkthrough Guides Pok mon X and Y Walkthrough Frost Cavern Dendemille Town Route 17 Mamoswine Road Frost Cavern After reaching Dendemille Town you find that the eastern road can t be crossed because Mamoswine is at Frost Cavern Contents Battle and Catch Frost Cavern 1F Frost Cavern 2F Frost Cavern 1F part 2 Frost Cavern 2F part 2 Frost Cavern 3F

Pokemon X Y Walkthrough Part 21 Frost Cavern YouTube 0 00 12 52 Pokemon X Y Walkthrough Part 21 Frost Cavern NinBuzz 150K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 57K Pok mon Ground Dragon Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Head east from there You ll see a Sky Trainer up on a ledge Move over to him and he ll challenge you Accept and the battle will begin assuming you have at least one Pok mon that s capable of flying or that Levitates Pok mon Water Flying Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads

Pokemon Y Frost Cavern Walkthrough


Pokemon Y Frost Cavern Walkthrough


Pokemon Y Walkthrough Saving Abomasnow In The Frost Cavern Pt 29 YouTube


Pok mon X And Y Walkthrough Part 31 Frost Cavern

Frost Cavern Japanese Frost Cave is a cave located in the Kalos region to the north of Dendemille Town Located in a first floor room accessible via stairs at the northwest end of the second floor of this cave is an Ice Rock which will allow players to evolve their Eevee into Glaceon 1 Dendemille Town 1 1 Sycamore Appears 1 2 Pok mon Center 1 3 Madam Reminder and Move Deleter 1 4 Mountain Pok dex rating 1 5 Gigantic Gourgeist 2 Frost Cavern 2 1 Exterior 2 2 Interior 2 2 1 1F 2 2 2 2F 2 2 3 1F 2 2 4 2F 2 2 5 3F 2 2 6 2F 2 2 7 3F 3 Route 17 3 1 Hitch a Ride 3 2 Holo Clip 4 Anistar City 4 1 A Gift 4 2 Memory Girl

Pok mon X and Y Let s Play HD Gameplay Walkthrough Part 37 We make our way through Frost Cavern to find an angry Abomasnow in the company of Team Flare Sub South Exit Dendemille Town Frost Cavern is a deep cave in the mountain in the northern part of Kalos It features a lot of snow and ice puzzles throughout it It is guarded by a special Abomasnow Evolution If you level up an Eevee near the Icy Rock in the basement of this cave it will react to the rock have the ability to evolve into Glaceon

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Pok mon X And Y Walkthrough Part 31 Frost Cavern


Pok mon X And Y Walkthrough Part 31 Frost Cavern

Enter it and check the stone on the lower left corner for an Ice Heal then challenge the trainer walking around for a battle Ace Trainer Cordelia Prize Money P4 600 LV44 Doublade Steel Ghost Continue to the left and you will see ice They really help This is Part 36 of the Pokemon X and Y Gameplay Walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS Team Flare has infilt

Main Storyline Part 1 Intro Vaniville Town Route 1 Aquacorde Town return to Vaniville Part 2 Route 2 Santalune Forest Route 3 Santalune City Santalune Gym Route 4 Part 3 Lumiose City south Route 5 Camphrier Town Part 4 Route 7 east Route 6 Parfum Palace Route 7 west Connecting Cave Frost Cavern Pok mon Beartic Uncommon Walking Bergmite Uncommon Walking Cryogonal Rare Walking Cubchoo Horde Uncommon Floatzel Uncommon Surfing Haunter Rare Walking Jynx Uncommon Walking Piloswine Uncommon Walking Poliwhirl Common Surfing Smoochum Horde Rare Vanillite Horde Common Route 16 Fishing


Pokemon X And Y Walkthrough Part 34 Frost Cavern 3DS W XxxGamerChick26xxX YouTube


Pok mon Y Episode 36 Fanciful Frost Cavern YouTube

Pokemon Y Frost Cavern Walkthrough - South Exit Dendemille Town Frost Cavern is a deep cave in the mountain in the northern part of Kalos It features a lot of snow and ice puzzles throughout it It is guarded by a special Abomasnow Evolution If you level up an Eevee near the Icy Rock in the basement of this cave it will react to the rock have the ability to evolve into Glaceon