Pokemon Tower Walkthrough Gen 1 Pok mon Tower Floor 1 Scoping out danger Without the Silph Scope you can t identify the ghosts lurking in Pok mon Tower and therefore you can t fight them With the scope in hand you can fight and try to capture these astral aggressors Note that Normal and Fighting type moves don t affect Ghost type Pok mon at all so use caution in battle
Turns out those hostile apparitions are just Haunters and Gastlies Since this is your first encounter with ghosts here s an important tip don t use Normal or Fighting type attacks They won t Silph Company Floor 1 This 11 level building with 31 trainer battles only seems difficult If you know where to go you can make it to the top and save the president quickly and easily Then after scaring Team Rocket away you can get the items without opposition The first floor lobby is eerily empty so just advance to the stairs in the back
Pokemon Tower Walkthrough Gen 1
Pokemon Tower Walkthrough Gen 1
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From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Pok mon FireRed and LeafGreen Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex The situation in Pok mon Tower is grave indeed but with the Silph Scope you should be able to dig up whatever is causing all the trouble Walkthrough Pok mon Tower 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 1F There s nothing of importance here on the first floor so take the staircase 1 on the right hand side up to 2F 2F You ll see your rival
Once you have defeated Blue you earn a cash reward of 175 and he will leave The encounter earns your Pok mon enough Experience Points to grow to Level 6 Leave the laboratory and head north to Route 1 Red and Blue walkthrough Route 1 Viridian City Oak s Lab Route 2 Route 1 Viridian City Route 2 Viridian Forest Pewter City Route 3 Mt Moon Cerulean City Route 24 Route 25 Back to Cerulean Route 5 Route 6 Vermilion City S S Anne Vermilion City Gym Route 11
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South Exit Lavender Town The Pok mon Tower is an old tower built to help lay Pok mon to rest It is swarmed with Ghost Pok mon and can only give proper access with the Silph Scope Without the Silph Scope the ghosts will send you back to the entrance of the tower if touched On 5F is a cleansing area where Pok mon can be healed Game This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon Yellow for the original Game Boy These pages detail the original iteration not Pok mon Let s Go Pikachu and Let s Go Eevee The guide for those games can be found here
Pok mon Red and Blue Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex Your sleuthing has landed you in the middle of a huge Team Rocket operation headed by a sinister figure known as Giovanni The man in the slick suit at the rear of the Game Corner is actually guarding the entrance to a secret underground lair 5th Floor 6th Floor 7th Floor The Silph Scope will allow you to see the Ghost Pokemon this time and capture them On the second floor of the Tower you ll meat up with your Rival After beating him you can make your way to the top battling Channelers Once you get to the top floor to rescue Mr Fuji and gain the Pok flute you must beat
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Pokemon Tower Walkthrough Gen 1 - Once you have defeated Blue you earn a cash reward of 175 and he will leave The encounter earns your Pok mon enough Experience Points to grow to Level 6 Leave the laboratory and head north to Route 1 Red and Blue walkthrough Route 1 Viridian City Oak s Lab Route 2