Pokemon Soulsilver Victory Road Walkthrough

Pokemon Soulsilver Victory Road Walkthrough Now run rightward and rejoin the previous pathway Continue eastward and smash the three breakable rocks to your south to grab the final item located on Victory Road TM79 Thereafter jet to

Not Far From The Pokemon League Lets go through the Victory road cave as the Elite 4 inches closer

Pokemon Soulsilver Victory Road Walkthrough


Pokemon Soulsilver Victory Road Walkthrough


Victory Road Walkthrough For Pokemon BDSP


Pokemon HeartGold And SoulSilver Game Maps

Sections Main Storyline 1 Johto Part 1 Intro New Bark Town Routes 29 and 30 Cherrygrove City Route 31 Part 2 Violet City Sprout Tower Route 32 Union Cave Route 33 Azalea Town Part 3 Slowpoke Well Azalea Town Ilex Forest Route 34 Part 4 Goldenrod City Route 35 Part 5 National Park Routes 36 and 37 Ecruteak City Burned Tower Part 6 Ecruteak Gym Union Cave Kanto and Victory Road Now that you have captured fought your game s legendary you can move on to the next stage of your journey fighting the Elite Four and League Champion To do that go back to New Bark Town and surf east After arriving in Kanto you can go into Tohjo Falls after that and use Waterfall to get through the cave

Victory Road Eventually you ll make it to Victory Road This is much easier than the one in Red and Blue since there are no trainers or puzzles to do so just ride on through But there are a lot of Pok mon in there that will give you grief if your Pok mon are not leveled high enough Graveler Onix Rhyhorn Golbat and Ursaring or Dohphan Northwest Island Step inside the cave and take the ladder to the floor below Walk down the stairway to reach a hidden Pearl to the northeast and a Full Restore to the south Jump the ledge and climb the stairway to the east in order to reach a Nugget and a hidden Super Repel Head east and jump the two ledges to reach a ladder this leads to a dead end with an Ultra Ball

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In this video Gold explores Victory Road and battles Silver Thank you and enjoy Victory Road Wild Pokemon GravelerGolbatDonphanUrsaringOnixRhyhorn All content 2002 2024 Psypoke All Rights Reserved We are not affiliated in any way with the corporations mentioned below 2024 Pok mon 1995 2024 Nintendo

The second member of the Elite Four is Koga a master Poison type Trainer and former Gym Leader of Kanto s Fuchsia Gym A strong Psychic type attack can take out Koga s poison Pok mon with little effort Aside from that Fire attacks will scorch his Bugs to a crisp while Electric type Ice type or Rock type moves can knock his Crobat out of the air Koga lives up to his reputation as many As is often the case in Gen 2 the time at which you face this Pok mon it is either level 35 in Gold Silver or 32 in Crystal This means that it will have forgotten its best starting move Horn Attack A Physical move that does 65 damage while being 100 accurate It will instead have Stomp as its main Attack


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Pokemon Soulsilver Victory Road Walkthrough - When combined with the Rainbow or Silver Wings these items can be used to summon Ho oh and Lugia respectively A little girl will enter the theater and the sisters will depart for Bell Tower HeartGold or Whirl Islands SoulSilver Bring some Ultra Balls Repels Escape Ropes and a high level Pokemon that knows a sleep inducing move and