Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough

Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire This page is a stub Help us expand it and you get a cookie Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough Pok dex

This is an in depth walkthrough for Pok mon Ruby and Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance These pages detail the original iteration not Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire The guide for those can be found here Sections Main Storyline Part 1 Littleroot Town Route 101 Oldale Town Route 103 Route 102 Petalburg City Part 2 Route 104 Petalburg Woods Rustboro City Rustboro Gym Route 116 Walkthrough Littleroot Town Hoenn Route 101 Oldale Town Hoenn Route 103 Hoenn Route 102 Petalburg City Hoenn Route 104 South Petalburg Woods Hoenn Route 104 North Rustboro City Rustboro Gym Hoenn Route 116 Rusturf Tunnel Dewford Town Dewford Gym Granite Cave Slateport City Route 110 Mauville City Mauville Gym Hoenn Route 117 Verdanturf Town

Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough


Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough


Pokemon ruby sapphire emerald UzerFriendly


Pok mon Ruby Sapphire And Emerald Video Game Box Art ID 37116 Image Abyss

Explore the Cave Legendary Pok mon s Room In Emerald Go to Sky Pillar In Ruby and Sapphire Catch the Legendary Pok mon Leave the Cave and Explore Sootopolis You can encounter pok mon in the cave In the entrance hall you can encounter Zubat and Golbat Updated May 6 2014 advertisement Pokemania is back this time on the Game Boy Advance Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire are the first GBA iterations of the series and the games are

Beautifly Level 15 Pok mon Breeder Isaac Whismur Level 12 Aron Level 12 Taillow Level 12 Makuhita Level 12 Poochyena Level 12 Zigzagoon Level 12 After beating the trainers search Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Little Root Town Route 101 Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Starting The Game You turn on your game and watch the intro When you start a new game you ll see Professor Birch referred to as Prof Birch from now on talking about Pokemon

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Pok mon Ruby And Sapphire StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And Strategy Guide Wiki


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Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Dewford Town Route 106 Route 107 108 and 109 Town By The Sea Thanks to Mr Briney you have come to Dewford Town where you ll be competing for your second badge First there are some things to take care of Go into the house next to the Pokemon Center and talk to the guy sitting at the table Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough Rustboro City Route 116 Rustboro City After going through a long and tiring route you ll finally arrive at Rustboro City Here you ll be able to have your first gym battle But first we ll explore the city Once you get into the city go west and you ll see a huge building

Explore Town Challenge the Gym Explore Town Talk to the old woman in front of the hot springs to receive a Wynaut egg Wynaut is a Psychic type pok mon Talk to the man outside of the Herb Shop to get a free Charcoal which will strengthen a pok mon s Fire type moves if held This is the quickest walkthough to Ruby Sapphire that you ll find anywhere It is also the most boring as it doesn t include the fun side quests It just gives the basic outline of the game from start to finish and tells you the musts of the game If you want a more detailed walkthrough then where else to find one but PKMN NET LITTLEROOT TOWN


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Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Walkthrough - Once you have defeated all the trainers here move all the way to the right and cut down the tree here to gain access to an Aspear Berry Grove Pick them and plant more if you so desire then go