Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Guide

Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Guide Here s a guide for anyone looking to do a POC of the Rom Hack Pokemon Rocket Edition Submitted it through the pinned thread but decided to give it its own thread so people know it exists Are u still able to steal moon stones from clearly I ve fought like 100 of them and still haven t stolen one

Updated Rocket Edition POC Guide Finally updated my Rocket Edition Guide after the game was updated You can now get a ton of Johto Pokemon as well as steal from anyone for a lot more Pokemon Going through the challenge again to make sure everything s correct A Complete Guide of Pokemon Rocket Edition walkthrough game Pokemon Rocket Edition is one of the most popular new hack game for the GBA system It is the hack of FireRed The features and the gameplay of this game were extraordinary The graphic and sound quality was also practical It is the most incredible Pokemon hack game ever

Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Guide


Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Guide


Pokemon Red Team Rocket Edition Pokemon Fire Red Team Rocket Edition Hacked Version I ve


TGDB Browse Game Pok mon Team Rocket Edition

Possible ways to get more Pokemon Blue Blue doesn t seem to be anywhere in the post game so if you could fight him you could at least steal his Blastoise The Elite Four and Champion There s no way to legitimately challenge the Elite Four in the post game so you re not able to steal their Pokemon Even if you use walk through walls to Pokemon Fire Red Rocket Edition Pokemon GBA Rom Hack Gameplay WalkthroughMERCH https teespring en GB stores herovoltsys storeMEMBER https www you

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Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Step By Step Guide Walkthrough Steps Pok mon Rocket


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Pokemon Rocket Edition

Pok mon Rocket Edition POC Guide by Metleon Free download as PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free 94 Pokemon FireRed Rocket Edition is a hack where you play as a Team Rocket Grunt You will follow the story of FireRed from a unique perspective Here are some Pokemon FireRed Rocket Edition cheats that you can use when you re playing the game Remember to input them as either a Game Shark or Code Breaker type and turn the cheats on

However as good as the game FireRed was there is a ROM hack called Pokemon FireRed Rocket Edition This is a hack of the FireRed game and it puts you in an interesting perspective Instead of playing the main character Red or Green you play as a Team Rocket grunt That s right you re the villain but your goal is not to hinder the hero Pokemon ROM Guides is a Subreddit dedicated to sharing walkthroughs and guides for specific Pokemon ROMS This Subreddit is not Affiliated with R PokemonROMS If you have a link to share a specific guide to offer or just a question you want to ask the community don t be shy Community Rules 1 Be Sound 2 Keep it Pokemon ROM Focused


Pokemon Rocket Edition 10 YouTube


22 Best Pokemon ROM Hacks Of All Time

Pokemon Rocket Edition Walkthrough Guide - HP 49 Attack 34 Defense 46 Speed 22 Special 32 Reward 600 Pick up the Hyper Potion in the top left corner of this room before heading back down the staircase 4 B2F Take the lift on the right down to B4F B4F Yellow players will be met with another Rocket battle once they step out of the lift