Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City

Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City 1 1 Main Storyline 1 2 Post Game 1 3 See Also Sections Main Storyline Part 1 Twinleaf Town Route 201 Lake Verity Sandgem Town Part 2 Route 202 Jubilife City Route 203 Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City Oreburgh Mine Part 3 Oreburgh Gym Jubilife City Route 204 south Ravaged Path Route 204 north Floaroma Town Floaroma Meadow

This Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Walkthrough for Eterna City Gym will teach you how to defeat Gym Leader Gardenia and obtain the Forest Badge with details on Gardenia s Eterna City Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City walkthrough tips and guide Find more about Pokemon Pt at Walkthrough Wiki Contents Walkthrough Wild Pokemon List Trainers List Walkthrough Explore Eterna City When you reach in front of the Galactic Building Barry comes to see you and takes you to the statue of Eterna s legendary Pokemon

Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City


Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl How To Get To Eterna City


Pokemon Light Platinum Walkthrough Part 8 Team Steam YouTube

Eterna City Route 211 Route 206 Route 207 Mt Coronet Route 208 History Living There are plenty of things to do in Eterna City before your second gym battle First go north a bit In Platinum Rival will take you to see a Pokemon statue A girl named Cynthia will then give you HM01 Cut Caterpie Lv 5 6 Insertion FireRed 8 Pineco Lv 5 6 Insertion Emerald 8 You ll come across a small cave known as the Ravaged Path You will need to teach Rock Smash to one of your Pokemon in order to proceed north examine one of the rocks inside and you ll be given the option to command a Pokemon to break it

1 Valley Windworks 1 1 Interior 2 Route 205 south 3 Eterna Forest 4 Route 205 east 5 Eterna City 5 1 Underground Man 5 2 Eterna Condominiums 5 3 Herb Shop 5 4 Bike Shop 6 Eterna Gym Valley Windworks Valley Windworks with Drifloon Available Pok mon Items Team Galactic Battle the Galactic Grunt here who is guarding the door of Valley Windworks Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum Guide Eterna Forest to Eterna City By Nadine Dornieden Jim McQ Casey DeFreitas 1 1k more updated Oct 9 2012 Eterna Forest advertisement Items

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Defeating Gardenia Eterna City Gym Puzzle Pok mon Platinum Guide Strats


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl How To Get To Eterna City Pokemonwe


DS DSi Pok mon Platinum Team Galactic Eterna Building The Models Resource

Video courtesy of Planet Poke content creator Lueroi For more videos from Lueroi click here http www youtube LueroiThis is part 12 of Lueroi s adven 0 00 16 45 Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 10 Entering Eterna City TerraQuake Walkthroughs 484 subscribers Subscribe 278 views 10 months ago pokemon sinnoh pok monplatinum

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER https twitter GymLeaderDraven LIKE on FB https www facebook GymLeaderDraven Pok mon Platinum Version is a role playing vide Eterna City Japanese Hakutai City is a city in the Sinnoh region it is an older city showing the signs of history There is a rather large statue of an ancient Pok mon in Diamond and Brilliant Diamond it is named as Dialga in Pearl and Shining Pearl Palkia and in Platinum it is a combination of both on the east side of town


Eterna City In GBA Style some Custom Tiles Used PokemonRMXP


Eterna City Map Sinnoh Region Jeux

Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Eterna City - Caterpie Lv 5 6 Insertion FireRed 8 Pineco Lv 5 6 Insertion Emerald 8 You ll come across a small cave known as the Ravaged Path You will need to teach Rock Smash to one of your Pokemon in order to proceed north examine one of the rocks inside and you ll be given the option to command a Pokemon to break it