Pokemon Platinum Victory Road Walkthrough POKEMON PLATINUM WALKTHROUGH Victory Road You ll need to cross Route 223 to get to Victory Road which is a cave that leads to the Pokemon League There is a Pokemon Center outside so you ll have a chance to Fly back and grab some items or heal up later
Main Storyline Part 1 Twinleaf Town Route 201 Lake Verity Sandgem Town Part 2 Route 202 Jubilife City Route 203 Oreburgh Gate Oreburgh City Oreburgh Mine Part 3 Oreburgh Gym Jubilife City Route 204 south Ravaged Path Route 204 north Floaroma Town Floaroma Meadow Victory Road Japanese Champion Road is the final journey one must take before they can face the Elite Four and Champion of Sinnoh Like the other Victory Roads from previous generations there are three levels In order to get through the cave Surf Strength Rock Smash Waterfall and Rock Climb are required
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0 00 21 10 Pok mon Platinum Walkthrough Part 45 Victory Road Pok mon Traveler s Guide 3 02K subscribers Subscribe 87 Share 9 6K views 7 years ago This is the Platinum walkthrough from Victory Road You will need the HMs Surf Waterfall Rock Climb Strength and Defog A good diverse team for this area is recommended as the Trainers use a lot of different types 1F Fly to the Pok mon League s upper half and after descending the waterfall enter Victory Road from there
Visit Victory Road after you beat the game Now you can pass through the entrance before which a guy used to stand blocking the path This entrance leads to another part of Victory Road You meet a girl named Marley who seems to be lost in Victory Road Marley wants to go to Route 224 This is a map and walkthrough for Victory Road in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl BDSP Learn the best route to take in Victory Road what Pokemon are found in the area how to get past the guy blocking the path to Route 224 and what trainers items and events are encountered here List of Contents Victory Road Map and Items
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Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough By Peacemaker14 Table of Contents 1 Intro 2 Legal Stuff 3 The Game Intro 4 0 Roark s Gym 4 1 Twinleaf Town 4 2 Route 201 4 3 Sandgem Town 4 4 Route 202 POKEMON PLATINUM WALKTHROUGH Route 224 becomes available after you ve obtained the National Dex Fly to the Pokemon League and equip yourself for a long journey You ll need Surf Waterfall Rock Climb Strength and Defog Head to the exit of Victory Road and cross the bridge to the south Rock Climb down and head up the stairs by the Veteran
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Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 32 Victory Road YouTube
Road To Victory Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 29 YouTube
Pokemon Platinum Victory Road Walkthrough - When you first arrive arrive there is only one direction to go so head over the first bridge then climb down the wall to the right and go right until you hit two rocks On the second rock is a hidden Ultra Ball Go back to the climbable wall and go past it to find Psychic Bryce Past Bryce is TM41 Torment